Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics




PhD-Regulations of the Faculty of Life Sciences (valid from March 05, 2015)

Information about the PhD Procedure at the Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture (Doctoral candidates who are registered under the past PhD Regulations can either continue under the old or change over to the new PhD Regulations. A respective binding statement has to be made in writing until 05 March 2017. After that date, the new PhD Regulations are valid exclusively. )




Completed dissertations

Buschmann, Anna (2020) Institutional Analysis of Agricultural Land Reforms in Georgia
Oscar Schmidt (2020) The political economy of agrarian change in south-east Turkey
Bhatt, Brijesh (2020) Governance Structure for Enhanced Energy Efficiency in Irrigation Electricity Distribution System of Andhra Pradesh
Ourania Papasozomenou (2017) The Water Crisis in the Greek Island Complex of the
Cyclades: Diagnosis, Analysis, and Reflection
Ehlers, Melf-Hinrich (2017) Fermented dreams: regional entrepreneurship and institutional dynamics of Germany’s agricultural biogas sector
Jakhalu, Atoho (2017) Governance of Intersectoral Water Reallocation within the Context of Urbanisation in Hyderabad
Keutmann, Sarah (2017) The Role of Institutional Change for the Sustainable Cultivation of Energy Crops – The case of agro-wood production in Brandenburg, Germany
Griewald, Yuliana (2017) Russian agri-food system in a context of social-ecological change: an institutional analysis.
Yu Lu (2017) Impact of Institutional Change and Governance Reform on Farmers’ Behaviour in Grassland Use - Comparative studies of Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, China
Perez Carmona, Alexander Ex ante Institutional Alignments to NIMBY Problems: The siting of sanitary landfills in Colombia
Horam, Phungmayo (2016) Analysis of Market Potential and Government Policy for Renewable Energy in Hyderabad.
Pham Thanh Lan (2016) Irrigation and water governance for rice production under climate change in Northern Vietnam
Gouja, Majdi (2016) Sustainable Resource Use in Wetlands of the Mediterranean: The Case of the Tunisian Island Djerba
Kasymov, Ulan (2016) Designing Institutions in a Post-socialist Transition Process: Local institutions regularizing access to and management of pasture resources at local level in Kyrgyzstan
Kiran, Keerthi (2016) Institutional Analysis for Sustainable Abatement of Industrial Water Pollution in Hyderabad, India
Crewett, Wibke (2016) Local Self-governments, Accountability and the Provision of Public Agricultural Services in Rural Kyrgyzstan
Hagemann, Nina (2015) Understanding institutional persistence in Ukrainian water service provision sector
Proestou, Maria (2015) Understanding societies beyond economics: Wind energy development on the Greek island of Amorgos in times of neoliberalism
Raes, Leander (2015) Analysis of incentive contracts to finance nature conservation and rural income generation in the buffer zone of Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador
Patil, Vikram (2015) Governing Farmer Rehabilitation and Resettlement in India
Hamidov, Ahmad (2015) Community-based Agricultural Water Management: Institutions for Water Management and Conditions for Sustainability of Water Users Associations in Uzbekistan
Arauz Torres, Mario Alberto (2015) Institutional Change in Natural Resource Management: a case study regarding the evolution of the forest policy in Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua
Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra (2015) Vehicle Emission Reduction - An Experimental approach for analysing Sustainable Traffic Strategies and Solution
Tan Rong (2015) Governing Farmland Conversion in China: Seeking efficient utilization of a collectively owned natural resource in transition
Berger, Lars (2015) Economic decision-making from an institutional perspective. The case of non-point-source pollution in Lake Taihu, P.R.C.
Anggraini, Eva (2015) Institutions and Governance of Oil Palm Production at the Smallholder Level in Indonesia and Its Impact on the Sustainability of Livelihood and Land Use
Bisaro, Sandy (2015) Climate Adaptation, Adaptive Management and Multilevel Governance: Institutions for sustainability in Lesotho's wetlands
Watanabe, Shigeo (2014) Successful Elements of Bioprospecting Contracts in Case of Namibian Marula Oil
Ghosh, Ranjan Kumar (2014) Deregulation, Institutional Reforms and Efficiency in Power Generation: The case of Andhra Pradesh. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 51. Aachen: Shaker
Daedlow, Katrin (2014) Adaptive Governance in Social-ecological Systems: Lessons from German recreational fisheries (ADAPTFISH-2)
Müller, Ulrike (2013) Pro-poor Service Delivery in India – A behavioral economics perspective
Consmüller, Nicola (2013) Structural Change in Agriculture - TP 11: Cooperative and hierarchical forms of institutional change (SIAG). Published on July 17, 2013
Stupak, Nataliya (2013) Institutional Analysis of Black Earth Soils Degradation and Conservation in the Ukraine. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 50. Aachen: Shaker
Kimmich, Christian (2012) Networks of Coordination and Conflict. Governing Electricity Transactions for Irrigation in South India.  Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 48. Aachen: Shaker
Mackinnon, Anne (extern) (2012) Laying a net across mountain valleys and plains: Managing water through distributed property rights, Wyoming 1890-2010
Chaliganti, Raghu (2012) Biofuel promotion in India: Analyzing the policy process from a discursive-institutional perspective. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 49. Aachen: Shaker
Deneke, Tilaye Teklewold (2011) Water Governance in Amhara Region of Ethiopia: An institutional analysis. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 45. Aachen: Shaker
Weigelt, Jes (2011) Reforming Development Trajectories? Institutional Change of Forest Tenure in the Brazilian Amazon. IASS DISSERTATION. Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), XV, 151 p.
Hernández, José (2011)  Analysis of Economic Driving Forces in Crop Protection. A case study of apple production in the EU. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 46. Aachen: Shaker
Akhter, Tasneem (2011) The Role of Property Rights for Land Degradation and Land Use Conflicts - The case of wetland in Gujranwala Published on March 11, 2011
von Bock und Polach, Charlotte (2010) Relevance of Social Capital and Social Networks for Temporary Migration of Polish Seasonal Labour – The case of asparagus farms in Brandenburg (Germany). Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 43. Aachen: Shaker
Rauchenecker, Katharina (2010) Institutional Change in Hunting and Game Management – The case of German hunting associations.Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 42. Aachen: Shaker
Srigiri, Srinivasa Reddy Institutions of Collective Action for Resource Protection and Poverty Reduction: Participation of the poor in watershed management projects in India.  Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 47. Aachen: Shaker
Marelli, Beatrice (2010) Common-Pool Resources: the Search for Rationality Through Values. Empirical evidence for the theory of collective action in northern Italy
Margarian, Anne (2010) The Regional Specificity of Structural Change in Agriculture. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 41. Aachen: Shaker
Schleyer, Christian (2009) Institutional Change of Water Management Systems. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 39. Aachen: Shaker
Irawan, Evi (2009) The Effect of Farm Labor Organization on the Adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 44. Aachen: Shaker
Seyoum, Aseffa (2009) Microeconomics of Wild Coffee Genetic Resources Conservation in Southwestern Ethiopia: Forest zoning and economic incentives for conservation. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 40. Aachen: Shaker
Arzt, Katja (2008) Local Participation and Sustainable Resource Use. An institutional analysis of agri-environmental- forums. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 38. Aachen: Shaker
Hundie, Bekele (2008) Pastoralism, Institutions and Social Interactions: Explaining the coexistence of conflicts and cooperation in pastoral Afar, Ethiopia. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 34. Aachen: Shaker
Beyene, Fekadu (2008) Challenges and Options in Governing Common Property. Customary institutions among (agro-)pastoralists in Ethiopia. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 32. Aachen: Shaker
Banaszak, Ilona (2007) Success and Failure of Cooperation in Agricultural Markets. Evidence from producer groups in Poland. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 31. Aachen: Shaker
Boening, Frank (2007) Accessing Land at the Agricultural Frontier. A case study from the Honduran Mosquitia. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 33. Aachen: Shaker
Dirimanova, Violeta (2007) Economic Effects of Land Fragmentation: Property rights, land markets and contracts in Bulgaria. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 29. Aachen: Shaker
Jungcurt, Stefan (2007) Institutional Interplay in International Environmental Governance. Policy interdependence and strategic interaction in the regime complex on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 30. Aachen: Shaker
Vien, Ha Thuc (2007) Land Reform and Rural Livelihoods: An examination from the uplands of Vietnam. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 28. Aachen: Shaker
Eggers, Jörg (2005) Dezentralisierung der Agrarumweltmaßnahmen in der europäischen Agrarpolitik: Hemmnisse eines institutionellen Wandels. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 25. Aachen: Shaker
Hidayat, Aceng (2005) Institutional Analysis of Coral Reef Management: A case study of Gili Indah Village/West Lombok, Indonesia. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 22. Aachen: Shaker
Hurrelmann, Annette (2005) Agricultural Land Markets: Organisation, institutions, costs and contracts in Poland. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 24. Aachen: Shaker
Korf, Benedikt (2004) Conflict, Space and Institutions. Property rights and the political economy of war in Sri Lanka. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 19. Aachen: Shaker
Nguyen, Tan Quang (2004) What Benefits and for Whom? Effects of devolution of forest management in Dak Lak, Vietnam. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 21. Aachen: Shaker
Than, Tran Ngoc (2004) From Legal Acts to Village Institutions and Forest Use Practices: Effects of devolution in the central highlands of Vietnam. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 27. Aachen: Shaker
Theesfeld, Insa (2004) A Common-Pool Resource in Transition. Determinants of institutional change for Bulgaria’s post-socialist irrigation sector. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 23. Aachen: Shaker
Hanisch, Markus (2003) Property Reform and Social Conflict. A multi-level analysis of the change of agricultural property rights in post-socialist Bulgaria. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 15. Aachen: Shaker
Rahausen, Elke V. (2003) Die Comunidad im Wandel. Zur Situation und Integration von Mapuche-Kleinbauern in der chilenischen Gesellschaft. Berichte aus der Agrarökonomie November 2003. Aachen: Shaker
Bogale, Ayalneh (2002) Land Degradation, Impoverishment and Livelihood Strategies of Rural Households in Ethiopia: Farmers' perceptions and policy implication. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 8. Aachen: Shaker
Gatzweiler, Franz (2002) The Changing Nature of Economic Value. Indigenous forest garden values in Kalimanatan, Indonesia. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 16. Aachen: Shaker
Lütteken, Antonia (2002) Agrar-Umweltpolitik im Transformationsprozess - Das Beispiel Polen. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 14. Aachen: Shaker
Rudolph, Markus (2002) Agrarstrukturpolitik im vereinten Deutschland. Eine Analyse der Gemeinschaftsaufgabe “Verbesserung der Agrarstruktur und des Küstenschutzes” im Lichte der Neuen Politischen Ökonomie. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 20. Aachen: Shaker
Schlüter, Achim (2001) Institutioneller Wandel und Transformation. Restitution, Transformation und Privatisierung in der tschechischen Landwirtschaft. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 3. Aachen: Shaker
Klages, Bernd (2000) Die Privatisierung der ehemals volkseigenen landwirtschaftlichen Flächen in den neuen Bundesländern - Grundlagen, Rahmenbedingungen, Ausgestaltung und Wirkungen. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 5. Aachen: Shaker
Kolloge, Sabine (1999) Eine Wirkungsanalyse der Agenda 21 in Bezug auf eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und ländliche Entwicklung am Beispiel von Kommunen in England und Deutschland. Regensburg: Transfer
Rommel, Kai (1998) Kosten und Nutzen des Biosphärenreservates Schorfheide-Chorin. Eine empirische Analyse der mikroökonomischen Bestimmungsfaktoren einer naturerhaltenden Ökonomie. Regensburg: Transfer