Dissertation of Wibke Crewett
Start: November 07
End: March 13
The research project studies the effects of governance reforms on agricultural led-development in post-socialist Kyrgyz Republic. Specifically, it investigates how and to which extend decentralization impacts accountability relationships between government officials and users of publicly provided agricultural services (PPAS). The theoretical starting point is institutional economics. The research project therefore tests theoretical propositions on the impact of decentralization on institutions that govern PPAS, particularly with respect to access. Specifically, it is studied if and under which conditions institutional change at the collective choice level supports accountable and responsive decision making with respect to operational rules under the particular economic, historical and political frame conditions of post-socialist Central Asia. The study particularly looks at decision making processes with respect to poverty relevant PPAS that impact access to land, pasture and animal health services. The analysis is based on data collected during several months of field work in four different municipalities in rural Kyrgyzstan. Based on a thorough understanding of rule-making in the study sites strategic policy advice will be developed.
Researcher: Crewett, Wibke
Cooperation Partners: National Academy of Science in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; International Food Policy Institute (IFPRI), Washington; Center for Social Research at the American University Central Asia, Bishkek
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn
Funding: Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)
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