Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Dissertation of Maria Proestou

Understanding societies beyond economics: Wind energy development on the Greek island of Amorgos in times of neoliberalism

Start: Januar 09
End: July 13

The Greek Aegean archipelagos possesses one of the best wind potential in Europe. However, the implementation of wind power is confronted with an amalgam of complicacies. Actors do not always perceive wind energy projects as beneficial and conflicts between different types of interests, linked to land use planning procedures on the local level, arise when it comes to the implementation of wind power. The research project focuses on the implementation of wind energy in the Cyclades prefecture, which shows economic, sociocultural and biophysical peculiarities. Furthermore, the Cycladic islands have a remarkably seasonal energy consumption compared to other Aegean prefectures and an excellent wind potential. The core question is how local communities deal with wind power within the existing institutions. The empirical approach based on formal and informal institutions is expected to analyse the interrelation between actors involved and institutional changes in terms of property rights alteration. In that context, the planning procedures concerning the siting of turbines, the embedding of the locals idiosyncrasy in the planning process of wind energy projects and the motivations of actors on municipal level are key questions. In the long-term, the project attempts to figure out what institutional changes are conducive or impedimental to implement wind power in the area of the Cyclades.

Researcher: Proestou, Maria

Cooperation Partners:

Advisors:  Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn


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