Dissertation of Brijesh Bhatt
Start: January 2010
End: January 2014
Low energy efficiency in the irrigation electricity distribution sector in Andhra Pradesh continues to be a challenge, primarily due to unmetered subsidized power, poor infrastructure and high aggregate transmission and distribution losses. The power sector has undergone major structural changes in the recent years, coupled with legislative reforms for improving energy efficiency of the economy. The study will focus on the impact of these reforms at the distribution level and thereon at farmer’s level in relation to energy efficient technology diffusion. The study will follow an evolutionary approach to analyze the interrelationship between institutional change and technological change. Employing the Institutions of Sustainability framework (IoS) it will examine interactions between the involved actors and governance structures to identify the factors affecting the technological change in the power distribution sector. Methodologically a comparative case study would be used to analyze the different dimensions of energy efficiency governance from a transaction cost perspective and identify appropriate institutional structure.
Researcher: Bhatt, Brijesh
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn, Dr. Christine Werthmann
Funding: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Publications and Presentations: Siehe