Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Dissertation of Tilaye Teklewold Deneke

Water Governance in Amhara Region of Ethiopia: An institutional analysis
Start: October 07
End: September 11

Ethiopia has big agricultural potential with vast amount of arable land, large amount of fresh surface and groundwater resources. However, the country remained to be poor and unable to feed its ever increasing population. Underdevelopment of agricultural water resources and lack of sustainable management of available water are among the important problems that stagnated the agricultural sector of the country. Future food security and economic development in Ethiopia depends much on improved water resource development and governance. In Ethiopia, water resources development and management are largely perceived as technical and engineering issues. However, water management problems are not only technological but also problems of institutions and governance. Therefore, it is crucial to look into the institutions of water governance at various levels to improve existing water resource governance and mitigate the challenges of emerging problems such as climate change. Therefore, this study focuses on institutional analysis of water resources governance in Ethiopia. It aims at understanding and explaining institutions, institutional change and determinants of collective action in water resources governance in Ethiopia with focus on the Amhara regional state. Researcher: Tilaye Teklewold Deneke

Researcher: Deneke, Tilaye Teklewold

Advisors: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn

Funding: ZEF (Center for Development Research- University of Bonn)

Project Website:

Publications and Presentations:
Deneke, T.T., Mapedza, E., and Amede, T.. 2011. Institutional Implications of Governance of Local Common Pool Resources on Livestock Water Productivity in Ethiopia. Experimental Agriculture 47 (S1), Suplement 1: 99-111.
Further Information