Dissertation of Anne Margarian, 2010
Start: Januar 07
End: Dezember 10
In the thesis a theoretical model is being developed in order to explain the role of interaction of farms on the land-market for structural change of agriculture. The derived hypotheses are tested within a panel-model based on secondary data. Moreover, a region-specific survey among agricultural advisors is being analyzed in a path-analysis in order to test the relation between observable strategies and structural conditions. It is the goal of the work to explain economically the observed regional and farm-level differences in farm-development-strategies.
Researcher: Margarian, Anne
Cooperation Ppartners:
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn
Funding: Parts of the analyses were conducted in the context of the evaluation of the measure of farm-investment-support. The evaluation is funded by the EU, the state ministry and ministries of the federal states.