Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Dissertation of Nataliya Stupak

Institutional Analysis of Black Earth Soils Degradation and Conservation in the Ukraine

Start: August 2008                 

End: June 2013

The research focuses on the institutional factors of black earth soils degradation. Though the scientific literature often underlines the importance of socio-economic factors for soil conservation, the institutional dimension of the problem is still under researched. In particular, the environmental problems in the transition countries have often been neglected by the scientists, who were more occupied with economic and social aspects of post-socialist changes. Therefore, the project contributes to understanding of the degradation of natural resources in the former socialist states and its relationship to the transition processes.

The aim of the project is to investigate the institutional factors which promote or discourage black earth conservation in the Ukraine. The research project will result in recommendations about institutional arrangements and policy measures which would address the problem of soil degradation in the best way.

Researcher: MSc Nataliya Stupak

Cooperation Partners: Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO)

Advisors: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn, Dr. Insa Theesfeld

Publications and Presentations:

“Institutional Analysis of Soil Degradation and Conservation in the Ukraine – an Analytical Framework”. Paper for the 3rd MACE Conference “Multilevel Processes of Integration and Disintegration” held on 14th – 15th January 2009, Berlin

Publications and Presentations: see