Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institut für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften


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  •  06.06.2024

Knoll, M.; Gygax, L.; Hillmann, E. (2024). Pinpointing pigs: performance and challenges of an ultra-wideband real-time location system for tracking growing-finishing pigs under practical conditions, animal, Volume 18, Issue 6, 101163,

  • 10.05.2024

Puls, F.; Kosin, L.; Garbisch, F.; Touma, C.; Thöne-Reineke, C.; Gygax, L. (2024) Steps into a Small World: first glimpses on everyday moment-to-moment decision making in an ecologically meaningful multi-choice system for assessing animal preferences. Ethology, Section “Ethological Methods” 130, e13468,

  • 08.05.2024

Starik, N.; Gygax, L.; Göttert, T. (2024) Unexpected bat community changes along an ur-ban-rural gradient in the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan area. Scientific Reports 14, 10552. rID, GS,

  • 06.04.2024

Knoll, M.; Gygax, L.; Hillmann, E. (2024). Sow serenity: automatic long-term measurement of lying behavior in crates and free-farrowing pens using 3D accelerometers, Journal of Animal Science, Volume 102, skae101,