Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institut für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften

Timo Kautz


Prof. Dr.

Fachgebietsleiter/ Head of Department



Tel.:    +49 30 2093 46 470

Curriculum Vitae

since OCT 2018

Head of the Crop science group at Albrecht Daniel Thaer institute of agricultural and horticultural sciences at Humboldt University of Berlin

OCT 2017 – SEP 2018

Heisenberg scholarship at INRES-Soil science (University of Bonn)

DEC 2014

Habilitation (Venia legendi: Crop Science and Organic Agriculture)

APR 2014 – APR 2017

University of Bonn, Institute of Organic Agriculture: Employed as scientific assistant (Akademischer Rat auf Zeit)

SEP 2006 – APR 2014

University of Bonn, Institute of Organic Agriculture: Employed as scientific assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)

OCT 2004 – SEP 2006

University of Göttingen, Institute of Agronomy and Plant Breeding: Employed as scientific assistant

JUN 2004

Graduation (Dr. rer. agr., magna cum laude)

Doctoral thesis: “Differenciated organic and mineral fertilisation at different field sites: effects on soil ecological parameters”

DEC 2003 – SEP 2004

Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Crop Science: Employed as scientific assistant

APR 2001 – MAR 2003

Scholarship holder (NaFöG, Federal State of Berlin) 

OCT 2000 – JUN 2004

Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Crop Science: Postgraduate

AUG 2000

Diploma in Biology, University of Hamburg (Major subjects: Conservation Biology, Applied Botany, Zoology)


Publication List


Petzoldt, L., Kroschewski, B., Kautz, T., 2022. Metabolic activity of Hordeum vulgare, Brassica napus and Vicia faba in Worm and Root type Biopore Sheaths. Plant and Soil 472, 565–575.

Roß, C.-L., Baumecker, M., Ellmer, F., Kautz, T., 2022. Organic Manure Increases Carbon Sequestration Far beyond the \textquotedblleft4 per 1000 Initiative\textquotedblright Goal on a Sandy Soil in the Thyrow Long-Term Field Experiment DIV.2. Agriculture 12, 170.

Bergmüller, K., A.R. Shawon, E. Memic, D. Sabboura, A. Kheir, K.J. Boote, T. Kautz, E.S. El Habbasha, T. Feike, 2021. Potential yield and water use efficiency of oilseed rape in Egypt - A modeling study using the CROPGRO canola model. Mitt. Ges. Pflanzenbauwiss. 32: 60–61.

Elsalahy, H., Bellingrath-Kimura, S., Kautz, T., Döring, T., 2021. Effects of mixing two legume species at seedling stage under different environmental conditions. PeerJ 9, e10615.

Koch, M.T., Pawelzik, E., Kautz, T., 2021. Chloride Changes Soil\textendashPlant Water Relations in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Agronomy 11, 736.

Mešinović E., A. Muskolus, T. Kautz, J. Koslowski, 2021. Verbesserung der N-Effizienz und Reduzierung der Umweltbelastung durch Ammoniumentfernung aus Gärresten mithilfe der »Vakuum-Entgasung« -Technologie. Mitt. Ges. Pflanzenbauwiss. 32: 171–172.

Petzoldt, L., Kautz, T., 2021. Root Distribution of Brassica napus and Vicia faba within the Sheath of Root or Earthworm Biopore. Agriculture 11, 61.

Roß, C.-L., C. Borm, H. Vogel, T. Kautz,2021. Einfluss von Unterfußdüngung mit Gärprodukten auf Wurzelarchitektur und Jugendentwicklung von Sommer-weizen unter Trockenstress. Mitt. Ges. Pflanzenbauwiss. 32: 173–174.

Sabboura, D., E.S. El Habbasha, D. Gabriel, T. Kautz, T. Feike, 2021. Effect of timing and duration of combined heat and drought stress on oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Mitt. Ges. Pflanzenbauwiss. 32: 281–282.

Elsalahy, H.H., Bellingrath-Kimura, S.D., Roß, C.-L., Kautz, T., Döring, T.F., 2020. Crop Resilience to Drought With and Without Response Diversity. Frontiers in Plant Science.

Nielsen, K., Roß, C.-L., Hoffmann, M., Muskolus, A., Ellmer, F., Kautz, T., 2020. The Chemical Composition of Biogas Digestates Determines Their Effect on Soil Microbial Activity. Agriculture 2020, 10(6), 244;

Roß, C.-L., Nielsen, K., Krieger, J., Hoffmann, M., Sensel-Gunke, K., Ellmer, F., Kautz, T., 2020. Monitoring N : P Ratio and Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn Contents in Different Types of Anaerobic Digestates: A Six-Year Study Case. International Journal of Agronomy,

Kemper, R., Bublitz, T.A., Müller, P., Kautz, T., Döring, T.F., Athmann, M., 2020. Vertical Root Distribution of Different Cover Crops Determined with the Profile Wall Method. Agriculture 10, 503.

Petzoldt, L., Athmann, M., Buechse, A., Kautz, T., 2020. Root Growth of Hordeum vulgare and Vicia faba in the Biopore Sheath. Agriculture 10, 650.

Athmann, M.; Sondermann, J.; Kautz, T.; Köpke, U., Comparing macropore exploration by faba bean, wheat, barley and oilseed rape roots using in situ endoscopy. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2019, 19, 689-700.

Athmann, M.; Kautz, T.; Köpke, U., Wurzelwachstum und nodulation von luzerne: Einfluss von bioporendichte im unterboden und nährstoffgehalt im oberboden. Innovatives Denken für eine nachhaltige Land-und Ernährungswirtschaft. Beiträge zur 15. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Kassel, 5. bis 8. März 2019 2019.

Degrune, F.; Dumack, K.; Fiore-Donno, A.M.; Bonkowski, M.; Sosa-Hernández, M.A.; Schloter, M.; Kautz, T.; Fischer, D.; Rillig, M.C., Distinct communities of cercozoa at different soil depths in a temperate agricultural field. FEMS microbiology ecology 2019, 95, fiz041.

Jakobs, I., Schmittmann, O., Athmann, M., Kautz, T., Lammers, P.S., 2019. Cereal Response to Deep Tillage and Incorporated Organic Fertilizer. Agronomy 2019, 9(6), 296;

Landl, M., Schnepf, A., Uteau, D., Peth, S., Athmann, M., Kautz, T., Perkons, U., Vereecken, H., Vanderborght, J., 2019. Modeling the Impact of Biopores on Root Growth and Root Water Uptake. Vadose Zone Journal 18(1)

Seidel, S.J.; Gaiser, T.; Krauss, G.; Leitner, D.; Schmittmann, O.; Athmann, M.; Kautz, T.; Ewert, F.; Schnepf, A. In Modeling root elongation as a function of soil strength and biomass growth with a field-scale crop model coupled with a 3d architectural root model, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2019.

Seidel, S.; Gaiser, T.; Kautz, T.; Bauke, S.; Amelung, W.; Barfus, K.; Ewert, F.; Athmann, M., Estimation of the impact of precrops and climate variability on soil depth-differentiated spring wheat growth and water, nitrogen and phosphorus uptake. Soil and Tillage Research 2019, 195, 104427.

Sosa-Hernandez, M.A., Roy, J., Hempel, S., Kautz, T., Koepke, U., Uksa, M., Schloter, M., Caruso, T., Rillig, M.C., 2018. Subsoil arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in arable soil differ from those in topsoil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 117, 83-86.

Athmann, M., Kautz, T., Banfield, C., Bauke, S., Hoang, D.T.T., Luesebrink, M., Pausch, J., Amelung, W., Kuzyakov, Y., Koepke, U., 2017. Six months of L-terrestris L. activity in root-formed biopores increases nutrient availability, microbial biomass and enzyme activity. Applied Soil Ecology 120, 135-142.

Han, E., Kautz, T., Huang, N., Koepke, U., 2017. Dynamics of plant nutrient uptake as affected by biopore-associated root growth in arable subsoil. Plant and Soil 415, 145-160.

Uksa, M., Buegger, F., Gschwendtner, S., Lueders, T., Kublik, S., Kautz, T., Athmann, M., Koepke, U., Munch, J.C., Schloter, M., Fischer, D., 2017. Bacteria utilizing plant-derived carbon in the rhizosphere of Triticum aestivum change in different depths of an arable soil. Environmental microbiology reports 9, 729-741.

Han, E., Kautz, T., Koepke, U., 2016. Precrop root system determines root diameter of subsequent crop. Biology and fertility of soils 52, 113-118.

Han, E., Kautz, T., Perkons, U., Luesebrink, M., Pude, R., Koepke, U., 2015a. Quantification of soil biopore density after perennial fodder cropping. Plant and Soil 394, 73-85.

Han, E., Kautz, T., Perkons, U., Uteau, D., Peth, S., Huang, N., Horn, R., Koepke, U., 2015b. Root growth dynamics inside and outside of soil biopores as affected by crop sequence determined with the profile wall method. Biology and fertility of soils 51, 847-856.

Kautz, T., 2015. Research on subsoil biopores and their functions in organically managed soils: A review. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 30, 318-327.

Pagenkemper, S.K., Athmann, M., Uteau, D., Kautz, T., Peth, S., Horn, R., 2015. The effect of earthworm activity on soil bioporosity - Investigated with X-ray computed tomography and endoscopy. Soil & Tillage Research 146, 79-88.

Uksa, M., Schloter, M., Endesfelder, D., Kublik, S., Engel, M., Kautz, T., Koepke, U., Fischer, D., 2015a. Prokaryotes in Subsoil-Evidence for a Strong Spatial Separation of Different Phyla by Analysing Co-occurrence Networks. Frontiers in microbiology 6.

Uksa, M., Schloter, M., Kautz, T., Athmann, M., Koepke, U., Fischer, D., 2015b. Spatial variability of hydrolytic and oxidative potential enzyme activities in different subsoil compartments. Biology and fertility of soils 51, 517-521.

Kautz, T., Luesebrink, M., Paetzold, S., Vetterlein, D., Pude, R., Athmann, M., Kuepper, P.M., Perkons, U., Koepke, U., 2014. Contribution of anecic earthworms to biopore formation during cultivation of perennial ley crops. Pedobiologia 57, 47-52.

Perkons, U., Kautz, T., Uteau, D., Peth, S., Geier, V., Thomas, K., Holz, K.L., Athmann, M., Pude, R., Koepke, U., 2014. Root-length densities of various annual crops following crops with contrasting root systems. Soil & Tillage Research 137, 50-57.

Uksa, M., Fischer, D., Welzl, G., Kautz, T., Koepke, U., Schloter, M., 2014. Community structure of prokaryotes and their functional potential in subsoils is more affected by spatial heterogeneity than by temporal variations. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 75, 197-201.

Athmann, M., Kautz, T., Pude, R., Koepke, U., 2013. Root growth in biopores-evaluation with in situ endoscopy. Plant and Soil 371, 179-190.

Fischer, D., Uksa, M., Tischler, W., Kautz, T., Koepke, U., Schloter, M., 2013. Abundance of ammonia oxidizing microbes and denitrifiers in different soil horizons of an agricultural soil in relation to the cultivated crops. Biology and fertility of soils 49, 1243-1246.

Gaiser, T., Perkons, U., Kuepper, P.M., Kautz, T., Uteau-Puschmann, D., Ewert, F., Enders, A., Krauss, G., 2013. Modeling biopore effects on root growth and biomass production on soils with pronounced sub-soil clay accumulation. Ecological modelling 256, 6-15.

Kautz, T., Amelung, W., Ewert, F., Gaiser, T., Horn, R., Jahn, R., Javaux, M., Kemna, A., Kuzyakov, Y., Munch, J.-C., Paetzold, S., Peth, S., Scherer, H.W., Schloter, M., Schneider, H., Vanderborght, J., Vetterlein, D., Walter, A., Wiesenberg, G.L.B., Koepke, U., 2013a. Nutrient acquisition from arable subsoils in temperate climates: A review. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 57, 1003-1022.

Kautz, T., Perkons, U., Athmann, M., Pude, R., Koepke, U., 2013b. Barley roots are not constrained to large-sized biopores in the subsoil of a deep Haplic Luvisol. Biology and fertility of soils 49, 959-963.

Prost, K., Borchard, N., Siemens, J., Kautz, T., Sequaris, J.-M., Moeller, A., Amelung, W., 2013. Biochar Affected by Composting with Farmyard Manure. Journal of Environmental Quality 42, 164-172.

Borchard, N., Prost, K., Kautz, T., Moeller, A., Siemens, J., 2012. Sorption of copper (II) and sulphate to different biochars before and after composting with farmyard manure. European Journal of Soil Science 63, 399-409.

Gaiser, T., Perkons, U., Kuepper, P.M., Puschmann, D.U., Peth, S., Kautz, T., Pfeifer, J., Ewert, F., Horn, R., Koepke, U., 2012. Evidence of improved water uptake from subsoil by spring wheat following lucerne in a temperate humid climate. Field Crops Research 126, 56-62.

Li, F., Kautz, T., Pude, R., Koepke, U., 2012. Nodulation of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) roots: depth distribution and temporal variation. Plant Soil and Environment 58, 424-428.

Fritz, J., Athmann, M., Kautz, T., Koepke, U., 2011. Grouping and classification of wheat from organic and conventional production systems by combining three image forming methods. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 27, 320-336.

Kautz, T., Koepke, U., 2010. In situ endoscopy: New insights to root growth in biopores. Plant Biosystems 144, 440-442.

Kautz, T., Stumm, C., Kosters, R., Koepke, U., 2010. Effects of perennial fodder crops on soil structure in agricultural headlands. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 173, 490-501.

Kautz, T., Taeufer, F., Koepke, U., 2009. Cynara scolymus L.: an Accurate Method for Determining the Edible Parts. European Journal of Horticultural Science 74, 189-191.

Kautz, T., Lopez-Fando, C., Ellmer, F., 2006. Abundance and biodiversity of soil microarthropods as influenced by different types of organic manure in a long-term field experiment in Central Spain. Applied Soil Ecology 33, 278-285.

Kautz, T., Wirth, S., Ellmer, F., 2004. Microbial activity in a sandy arable soil is governed by the fertilization reuirne. European journal of soil biology 40, 87-94.

Kautz, T., Gradstein, S.R., 2001. On the ecology and conservation of Spruceanthus theobromae (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) from western Ecuador. Bryologist 104, 607-612.