New Publication - Hagen & Schneider: Small climate clubs should not use trade sanctions
Two Master Theses from the Resource Economics Group awarded with the Albrecht-Daniel-Thaer-Förderpreis 2021
Angelika von Dulong at 21. Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet in Marseille On June 7th 2022
International Workshop on Archetype Analysis in Greifswald
FoReSee-Workshop May 9-10 successfully in presence ...
Anastasia Gotgelf - Information governance for sustainable development ... Article in "Environmental Science and Policy"
New article: Existing Fossil Fuel Extraction Would Warm the World beyond 1.5 °C
„Stranded assets in the fossil resource sector“ Workshop FoReSee 2022
Seeking a Phd student or Postdoctoral Researcher on Marine Ecosystem Governance
Die Möglichkeiten des Spiels - Klaus Eisenack im Podcast der HU
Wenn die Kohle nichts mehr wert ist
Angelika Vogt und Achim Hagen zum Thema Finanzmärkte und Klimapolitik