Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institut für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften

Studiengang: Master IAW

Modul: Agronomy and World Crops I

Wahlpflichtmodul Kennziffer: MSc IAWWPM C 3

Students know the relevant components of the ‚Production Potential' at (sub)tropical sites, its hazards and the agronomic measures for a sustainable management; they are able to judge the essentials of permanent crops and have sound knowledge of the important worldwide-grown annual crops.
On the basis of their biological understanding, students are able to analyse agronomic problems at different sites and to assess innovative ideas and measures.

(A) Production potential: traits of soil fertility, causes, effects and prevention of water and wind erosion, sustainability (land clearing, humuscontent, weed control, tillage).
(B) Permanent Crops (Oil palms): the system, plant development and ecophysiology, the crop management.
(C) Annual Crops (Cereals, grain legumes, tuber crops and oil crops), for each group a survey is delivered and 1 (or 2) representative crops are treated in detail.

Lecture (90 %), pratical exercise and demonstration 10 %

H. Herzog

Summer semester (2nd), 2 x 2 h weekly, Lecture hall ATW 5, because of demonstrations (field) and simultaneous projection facilities for foils and slides.

oral examination

Total 180 h = 60 contact hours (lectures/demonsh) + 120 study hours (working guide, recommded books and primary literature, home works)