Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Thaer-Institute | Resource Economics | Research. | Individual Research Projects (Hagedorn) | Habilitations Habilitations Habilitations in progress Completed habilitations Other Post-doc Projects Habilitation Regulation of the College of Agriculture and Horticulture Habilitations and Postdoc research Habilitations in progress Completed habilitations Katharine Nora Farrell, PhD The Analytical Economics of Living Well: Concepts and Applications for the Combined Study of Value, Production and the Ecological Contribution of Economic Processes Schleyer, Christian Market-based instruments as components of institutional arrangements for the provision of ecosystem services – The example of land use measures for climate- and nature-protection in cultural landscapes in Central Europe Zikos, Dimitrios Resource Scarcity, Competition and the Relationship between Conflict and Cooperation: The Role of Institutions in Shaping the Outcome Grundmann, Philipp Institutional Change in Biomass and Bioenergy Production Otto-Banaszak, Ilona From Government to Governance: Problems and Tensions in Transition to Polycentric Governance of Natural Resources Beckmann, Volker Essays in Institutional Analysis. Application to Economic Transition, Technology Adoption and Environmental Governance in Agriculture Gatzweiler, Franz The meaning of value and institutional change for an economics of living systems Hinkel, Jochen Human-environment interactions and climate change adaptation Mann, Carsten Dynamics of governance regimes and reciprocal influence with policy instruments Padmanabhan, Martina Gender and Institutional Analysis - Resource Management in Asia and Africa Theesfeld, Insa Water and Institutional Analysis – Power and Leadership in Natural Resource Management Thiel, Andreas Developing Institutional Economics for the Analysis of Social-ecological Systems Completed Post-doc Projects Bogale, Ayalneh Resource Governance and Emerging Institutions for Sustainable Management of Natural Forests in Ethiopia: Analysis of Institutional Change and Benefits to Forest Dwellers in Adaba-Dodola Forest Priority Area Srinivasa Reddy Srigiri In Pursuit of Effective Governance Structures and Institutions for Abatement of Urban Pollution: Industrial pollution in Hyderabad Bhaskar Poldas Analysis of the influence of religious interpretations for climate change on the climate related behavior of citizens in Hyderabad, India Seema Singh Potential and Constraints of building Environmental Health Risk Resilient Communities in the Emerging Mega City of Hyderabad/India