Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Dr. rer. nat. Carsten Mann







Berlin Institute of Technology
Centre for Technology & Society (Sec. ER 2-2) (Research Group "Innovation in Governance")
Hardenbergstr. 36A
D-10623 Berlin



+49 30 314 28872


+49 30 314 25917


carsten.mann (at)


Research Interests


Academic Career

since 09.09

Post-Doctorate and Deputy Head of the Research group “Innovation in governance”, Centre for Technology & Society, Berlin Institute of Technology, funded by BMBF “social-ecological research”

Research project: The emergence, development and expansion of new policy forms within the context of social-ecological transformation processes: tradable permits and deliberative procedures in comparison

- Conceptual work on a transdiciplinary Policy Foresight method: How engage with dynamics of
  instrument design

- Empirical research on dynamics of governance domains and influences with policy instruments:
  reflexive governance, institutional fit and transformation

09.08 - 09.09

Research Scientist ('Ingénieur de Recherche'): Cemagref - UMR Métafort

(Cemagref-Engref-Enita Inra) Clermont-Ferrand, France; Unit: Dynamics of Activities, Spaces & Organisation forms in Rural Areas, Economy of rural areas

Research Project: Ecosystem services and rural land uses, Agence National de la Recherche (ANR)

-     Conceptual analysis: integrating environmental services into public policy

-     Theoretical and empirical research on governance and service economics .

03.07 – 09.08

Post-Doctorate: Cemagref - UMR Métafort (Cemagref-Engref-Enita Inra) Clermont

Ferrand, France; Unit: Dynamics of Activities, Spaces & Organisation forms in Rural Areas, Economy of rural areas

Research project: EU-Project SEAMLESS-IF: System for Environmental and

Agricultural Modelling; Linking European Science and Society

-     Conceptual and empirical research on Institutional Compatibility Assessment for the implementation  of EU environmental & agricultural policies

-     Research and application of New Institutional Economic theories

-     Theoretical and empirical research on rural infrastructure development


08.03 - 01.07

Research assistant: Institute of Forest- and Environmental Policy, Freiburg

Project leader: 'Conflict analysis as a basis to develop environmentally sound management strategies', Baden-Württemberg Program Life resource environment and its protection; rewarded as a 'showcase project' in May 2006

-     Empirical research on national and international strategies for nature protection/recreational large area management

-     Policy recommendations for rural land-use planning & development

-     Organization of multidisciplinary Workshops, Conferences and Symposia


since 02.04

National delegate and member of management committee of the EU Cost-Action E33 Forests for recreation and nature tourism;

Working group: Recreation and tourism demand & supply analysis


05.04 - 07.04

Research project at the United States Department of Agriculture

since 07.01

Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, Riverside, California, USA

Academic Background


Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) School of Forest and Environmental Sciences
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg. Topic of the dissertation:
'Conflicts in recreation settings – causes, effects and management solutions'
Final grade: Magna cum laude (1,7), disputation: summa cum laude (1,3), January 2006


Studies of Forest- and Environmental Sciences at the School of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Graduation: Forest Scientist (M.Sc), specialization: society & economics
additional qualification: Operational Environmental Economy, Forestry in the tropics
Final grade: excellent (1,5), May 2001


Conceptual design and lecture of the seminar "Seminaire conflictualite environnementale dans les espaces ruraux: une approche Europeenne", Master level, E.N.I.T.A. de Clermont-Ferrand


January 2008.


Development of Research design classes , Ph.D seminars for the International Doctoral Study Program (financed by the German Research Organisation),


Winter Semester 2005/06


Recreation: trends, conflicts, management ( ~1,5 h/week)

(Master course, Proseminar mit Dr. U. Schraml)


Sports, Environment and Nature in Dialogue (~1,5 h/week)

(Excursion in cooperation with the University of Heidelberg)


Freiburg Summerschool "Forestry Markets and Society", 18.-29.07.2005;


Summer Semester 2005


Development of Research design classes , Ph.D seminars for the International Doctoral Study Program (financed by the German Research Organisation);


Winter Semester 2004/05


Recreation: trends, conflicts, management ( ~1,5 h/week)

(Master course, Proseminar mit Dr. U. Schraml)


Sports, Environment and Nature in Dialogue (~1,5 h/week)

(Excursion in cooperation with the University of Heidelberg)


Freiburg Summerschool "Forestry Markets and Society", 12.-23.07.2004;


Summer Semester 2004


Recreation: trends, conflicts, management ( ~1,5 h/week)

(Master course, Proseminar with Dr. U. Schraml)


Sports, Environment and Nature in Dialogue (~1,5 h/week)

(Excursion in cooperation with the University of Heidelberg);


Summer Semester 2003


DAAD Fornet: Module Programme: Forest Certification, University of Sarajevo/Igman, BIH 22.-26.10.2002;


Winter Semester 2002/03


Other Activities

to 2008

Project assistant: Landscape and sustainable development (Paysage et

développement durable, PDD), French Ministry of Ecology


-     Theoretical and empirical research on Environmental Services

-     Agriculture and rural infrastructure development and maintenance


Project assistant: Program for sustainable regional development (Programme Pour et Sur le Développement Régional, PSDR), INRA, Cemagref, Region Auvergne


- Theoretical and empirical research on forest governance and the supply chain for wood-energy (BENEFITS)



to 2006

Project assistant: Integrated Flood protection mechanisms at the river Rhine – a policy stakeholder analysis (DFG- German Research Association)


to 2003

Project assistant: Multifunctional forestry as a means to rural development

(MULTIFOR.RD), FAIR-Program of the EU


to 2002

Project leader: Pilot study to determine social carrying capacity of recreationsettings; financed by the Ministry for Rural Development Baden-Württemberg


08.99 - 10.99

Trainee: Det Norske Veritas, International Certification and Environmental Expertise GmbH Essen

-     Insight & analysis of relevant legal basis (ISO EN 9001, 14001, EMAS, IAF-guidelines) and laws

-     Quality and Environmental management audits


10.95 – 04.96

Trainee: Communal Association Ruhr Area, Forestry division

-     Training on wood production and administration

-     Management of natural resources in urban areas


08.93 - 09.94

Civil Service: School for the integration of the handicapped at the Mathias- Claudius School, Bochum


Awards and Memberships






