Dr. rer. nat. Carsten Mann
Berlin Institute of Technology
Phone |
+49 30 314 28872 |
Fax |
+49 30 314 25917 |
carsten.mann (at) tu-berlin.de
Research Interests
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Academic Career
since 09.09 |
Post-Doctorate and Deputy Head of the Research group “Innovation in governance”, Centre for Technology & Society, Berlin Institute of Technology, funded by BMBF “social-ecological research”
Research project: The emergence, development and expansion of new policy forms within the context of social-ecological transformation processes: tradable permits and deliberative procedures in comparison
- Empirical research on dynamics of governance domains and influences with policy instruments: |
09.08 - 09.09 |
Research Scientist ('Ingénieur de Recherche'): Cemagref - UMR Métafort (Cemagref-Engref-Enita Inra) Clermont-Ferrand, France; Unit: Dynamics of Activities, Spaces & Organisation forms in Rural Areas, Economy of rural areas Research Project: Ecosystem services and rural land uses, Agence National de la Recherche (ANR) - Conceptual analysis: integrating environmental services into public policy - Theoretical and empirical research on governance and service economics . |
03.07 – 09.08 |
Post-Doctorate: Cemagref - UMR Métafort (Cemagref-Engref-Enita Inra) Clermont Ferrand, France; Unit: Dynamics of Activities, Spaces & Organisation forms in Rural Areas, Economy of rural areas Research project: EU-Project SEAMLESS-IF: System for Environmental and Agricultural Modelling; Linking European Science and Society - Conceptual and empirical research on Institutional Compatibility Assessment for the implementation of EU environmental & agricultural policies - Research and application of New Institutional Economic theories - Theoretical and empirical research on rural infrastructure development
08.03 - 01.07 |
Research assistant: Institute of Forest- and Environmental Policy, Freiburg Project leader: 'Conflict analysis as a basis to develop environmentally sound management strategies', Baden-Württemberg Program Life resource environment and its protection; rewarded as a 'showcase project' in May 2006 - Empirical research on national and international strategies for nature protection/recreational large area management - Policy recommendations for rural land-use planning & development - Organization of multidisciplinary Workshops, Conferences and Symposia
since 02.04 |
National delegate and member of management committee of the EU Cost-Action E33 Forests for recreation and nature tourism; Working group: Recreation and tourism demand & supply analysis
05.04 - 07.04 |
Research project at the United States Department of Agriculture |
since 07.01 |
Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, Riverside, California, USA |
Academic Background
Ph.D. |
Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) School of Forest and Environmental Sciences |
Master |
Studies of Forest- and Environmental Sciences at the School of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg |
Conceptual design and lecture of the seminar "Seminaire conflictualite environnementale dans les espaces ruraux: une approche Europeenne", Master level, E.N.I.T.A. de Clermont-Ferrand
January 2008.
Development of Research design classes , Ph.D seminars for the International Doctoral Study Program (financed by the German Research Organisation),
Winter Semester 2005/06
Recreation: trends, conflicts, management ( ~1,5 h/week) (Master course, Proseminar mit Dr. U. Schraml)
Sports, Environment and Nature in Dialogue (~1,5 h/week) (Excursion in cooperation with the University of Heidelberg)
Freiburg Summerschool "Forestry Markets and Society", 18.-29.07.2005;
Summer Semester 2005
Development of Research design classes , Ph.D seminars for the International Doctoral Study Program (financed by the German Research Organisation);
Winter Semester 2004/05
Recreation: trends, conflicts, management ( ~1,5 h/week) (Master course, Proseminar mit Dr. U. Schraml)
Sports, Environment and Nature in Dialogue (~1,5 h/week) (Excursion in cooperation with the University of Heidelberg)
Freiburg Summerschool "Forestry Markets and Society", 12.-23.07.2004;
Summer Semester 2004
Recreation: trends, conflicts, management ( ~1,5 h/week) (Master course, Proseminar with Dr. U. Schraml)
Sports, Environment and Nature in Dialogue (~1,5 h/week) (Excursion in cooperation with the University of Heidelberg);
Summer Semester 2003
DAAD Fornet: Module Programme: Forest Certification, University of Sarajevo/Igman, BIH 22.-26.10.2002;
Winter Semester 2002/03
Other Activities
to 2008 |
Project assistant: Landscape and sustainable development (Paysage et développement durable, PDD), French Ministry of Ecology
- Theoretical and empirical research on Environmental Services - Agriculture and rural infrastructure development and maintenance
Project assistant: Program for sustainable regional development (Programme Pour et Sur le Développement Régional, PSDR), INRA, Cemagref, Region Auvergne
- Theoretical and empirical research on forest governance and the supply chain for wood-energy (BENEFITS)
to 2006 |
Project assistant: Integrated Flood protection mechanisms at the river Rhine – a policy stakeholder analysis (DFG- German Research Association) . |
to 2003 |
Project assistant: Multifunctional forestry as a means to rural development“ (MULTIFOR.RD), FAIR-Program of the EU
to 2002 |
Project leader: Pilot study to determine social carrying capacity of recreationsettings; financed by the Ministry for Rural Development Baden-Württemberg
08.99 - 10.99 |
Trainee: Det Norske Veritas, International Certification and Environmental Expertise GmbH Essen - Insight & analysis of relevant legal basis (ISO EN 9001, 14001, EMAS, IAF-guidelines) and laws - Quality and Environmental management audits
10.95 – 04.96 |
Trainee: Communal Association Ruhr Area, Forestry division - Training on wood production and administration - Management of natural resources in urban areas
08.93 - 09.94 |
Civil Service: School for the integration of the handicapped at the Mathias- Claudius School, Bochum
Awards and Memberships