Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Dr. sc. agr. Philipp Grundmann







Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture
Department of Agricultural Economics
Division of Resource Economics
Philippstr. 13, Haus 12

D-10099 Berlin







pgrundmann (at)

Research Interests

The focus of research activities is set on the assessment and evaluation of economic, social and ecological impacts resulting from technological innovations. The emphasis is on innovations in the field of renewable resources and bioenergy. Decision-making at farm and regional systems levels and the interactions of actors with the natural and social environment are of major interest. The methodological focus is set on approaches for integrating actors interactions into farm and regional systems modelling and analysis.

Der inhaltliche Schwerpunkt der Forschungsarbeiten ist die Abschätzung und Bewertung der Folgen von Innovationen auf die Nutzung von Ressourcen in ländlichen Räumen, insbesondere von Innovationen im Bereich der Gewinnung und Nutzung von nachwachsenden Rohstoffen und erneuerbaren Energien. Dabei stehen die Interaktionen von Akteuren mit der natürlichen und sozialen Umwelt im Mittelpunkt. Der methodische Schwerpunkt liegt in der Entwicklung von Lösungsansätzen zur Einbindung von Interaktionen zwischen Akteuren in die Modellierung und Analyse von Betriebs- und Landschaftssystemen.

Academic Career

since 2006

Research Fellow at the Division of Resource Economics, Humboldt University of Berlin.
Lecturing and supervising dissertation and master theses.

since 2002

Research Associate at the Department of Technology Assessment and Substances Cycles at the Leibniz - Institute for Agriculture Engineering Potsdam-Bornim.

2000 - 2001

Research Associate at the Institute for Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences in the Tropics and Subtropics at Hohenheim University (Prof. Dr. Werner Doppler).

Academic Background


University Hohenheim
Institute for Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences in the Tropics and Subtropics
Doctoral dissertation on "Economics of Farming Systems Development in the Savannah of Brazil", 1997-2001
Award of degree: Dr. sc. agr., 2001


University of Hohenheim
Graduate studies in Agricultural Economics, 1993-1996
Diploma thesis on "The Impact of Settlement Projects and Spontaneous Migrations on the Degradation of Tropical Forests – a Case Study in the Estado Sucre in Venezuela"
Award of degree: Dipl.-Ing. agr., 1997


Technical University Munich
Bachelor in Agricultural Sciences, 1991-1992

International Education

Guest Scientist at CIAT (Centro International de Agricultura Tropical, Colombia)

Guest Scientist at EMBRAPA (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria, Brazil)

Guest Scientist at ULBRA (Universidade Lutherana do Brasil, Brazil)


Course: Process and Quality Management - Technology Assessment of Renewable Ressources, together with PD Dr. Annette Prochnow, Dr. Andreas Meyer-Aurich, Dr. Monika Heiermann and Dr. Matthias Plöchl; winter term 2006/07 and 2007/08.

Course: Environmental Management and Information Systems, together with Prof. Dr. Bockelmann and Dr. Andreas Meyer-Aurich; winter term 2007/08.

Teaching appointments at the University Hohenheim in M.Sc. courses: Agricultural Business Operation Research in the Tropics and Subtropics - Resource Economics, Farming and Regional Systems Analysis, Project Management in the Tropics and Subtropics; 1997 – 2001.

Other Activities

2007 - 2008

Consultant to the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Berlin, Germany.


Teaching appointment at the University Karlsruhe in the M.Sc. course ‘Resources Engineering’ at the Faculty for Civil Engineering.Practical Experiences,

1996 - 1997

Teaching appointment at the Internationale Bildungszentrum Stuttgart in the course ‚Business Economics’ for management assistants in retail business.

1995 – 1996

Research assistant in the post graduate programme ‚Socioeconomics of Forest Use in the Tropics and Subtropics’ at the Institute for Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences in the Tropics and Subtropics, Hohenheim University.

Awards and Memberships

Academic Award: Diplomandenförderung der Vater und Sohn Eiselen Stiftung, Ulm, October 1996 

Steering group of the integrated research project „Biomass for SunFuel®“, Germany.

Steering group of the integrated research project EVA of the Fachagentur für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, Germany.

Workgroup ‘Land- und Forstwirtschaft zur Energiestrategie Brandenburg 2010’ to the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Consumer Protection in Brandenburg, Germany.

Workgroups ‚Biogas’, ‚Liquid Fuels’ and ‚Solid Fuels’ to the Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative, Ministry for Economic Affairs and Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Consumer Protection in Brandenburg, Germany.

Journal Referee and Scientific Committee

International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology

Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt

Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus

