Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Postdoctoral research of Dr. Seema Singh

Start: 02/2011

End: 02/2013

Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh and India’s one of the most important economic centers, is driving an unprecedented rural urban migration ranking it amongst ten most populated (above 6 million) and fastest growing (GDP growth rate 7.8%) metropolis of the country. Due to its rapid urbanization and industrialisation, the city is facing huge planning and management challenges forcing 1/3rd population to reside in slums or squatter settlements. Overcrowded, poorly constructed, illegal houses on dangerous locations, lacking basic infrastructure make the slums dwellers extremely vulnerable to harsh climate and infectious disease outbreaks. The increasing frequency of hazards and subsequent loss of lives and resources makes the poor more vulnerable. Climate change will most probably exacerbate the existing weather hazards (IPCC 2007) intensifying the existing problems. In Hyderabad, several efforts from governmental and non-governmental organizations are being made to cope with the existing health situation. Unfortunately, despite several welfare programs initiated by government agencies and NGO’s, the health care situation in Hyderabad slums is still a big challenge. This is due to lack of coordination between different stakeholders, leading to duplication of effort and wastage of resources. Additionally, the existing Top-down approach by governmental and NGO’s often fails to address the specific vulnerabilities, needs and demands of at-risk communities. The objective of this study is to identify the Potentials and Constraints of building Environmental Health Risk Resilient Communities in Hyderabad. The overall objective of the project is to address the challenges presented by climate change, related health risks in urban poor and the sustainable mitigation/adaptation strategies.

Researcher: Dr. Seema Singh

Cooperation Partner:

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn

Funding: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)

Projekt-Website: siehe

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