Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Habiliation of Dr. Carsten Mann

Dynamics of governance regimes and reciprocal influences with policy instruments

Start: September 09
End:   August 13

This habilitation project looks at the co-evolution of governance regimes and forms of policy. The interactions between the various dimensions of a governance regime, i.e. between the social, ecological and technological dimensions, and how these reciprocally interact with new forms of governance, form the central research focus. Conceptually, the project mobilises convergent insights from research on policy design, governance, and co-evolution, and seeks to fulfill the following two objectives: First, the development of the governance regimes of nature conservation and climate protection in the EU and the United States will be historically reconstructed. This will be done not only by focusing on the social dimension (i.e. actors, networks, institutions etc.) but also in combination with the ecological and technological ones. Moreover, the identification of dominant steering forms over time will be identified. Second, the reciprocal interactions of governance regimes and policy instruments will be analysed. Central questions are how regime dimensions change when new policy instruments enter the scene (e.g. paradigm shift from top-down to bottom-up approaches, regulative to neo-liberal instruments etc.), and how policy instruments are subject to transformation in the context of the regimes, i.e. how they become institutionally embedded, how this is done and how long this lasts. This will allow insights into new forms of governance and how they interact with broader processes of social, technological and ecological change. The broader perspective supports reflexive design practices for the governance of sustainable development.

Researcher: Mann, Carsten

Cooperation Partners: Research Group “Innovation in governance”, Centre for Technology & Society; Institute of Sociology, Berlin Institute of Technology

Advisors: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn, (Projektleiter: Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Voß)

Funding: BMBF, Bereich Sozial-Ökologische Forschung


Project Website:


Publications and Presentations: See