Your Studies At HU Berlin
Duration of stay und proof of stay
Your first official day is the start of the semester (1. April or 1.October), respectively the day of the introductory meeting of the international office/Erasmus office. If you took an intensive German language course before the semester started, the first day of your language course is your first day. The last official day is the last day of the semester, respectively the day of your last exam (term papers do not count). Please bring your certificate of attendance/confirmation of arrival documents to the Erasmus office where it can be signed.
Changes in the Learning Agreement
Changes in the Learning Agreement are possible within four weeks after start of lectures. Insert changes in the part “During the Mobility” in your LA; submit changes to the Erasmus coordinator for approval. Please provide the Erasmus coordinator also with a copy of the documents once all three parties signed the document!
Programme students do register for an exam directly with the examiner/lecturer. Please make sure the examiner knows you are an Erasmus student and you need an exam/course certificate (‘Schein’).
After the exam, please collect the ‚Schein’ from the examiner’s office and bring a copy to the Erasmus co-ordinator.
You may as well request the examiner to send your ‘Schein’ directly to the Erasmus Office (Dr. Riesbeck).
Please find the course and examiniation dates for the academic year 2016/17 here:
Transcript of Records
After completing all courses and examinations, please send all course certificates to the Erasmus office. Once all certificates for the courses on your Learning Agreement are in the Erasmus office your Transcript of Records will be written in the exam office. The transcript will be sent to you and Stuyour home university after it has been prepared.
Before leaving HU Berlin for your home university
Please see the Erasmus coordinator in his/her office a few days before you return home.