Ana Carolina Rodríguez-Martínez
Ana Carolina Rodríguez-Martínez, M.Sc. Natural Resource Management
Scientific focus: Wetlands in Patagonia, Chile
Personal Data
Date and place of birth: December 2, 1980 in Santiago de Chile
2008 - 2010
Master degree in "Integrated Natural Resources Management (M.Sc.)" at the Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, Humboldt University, Berlin.
2005 - 2008
Specialization Courses
Biodiversity of Patagonia. Technological Institute of the University of Magallanes, Chile
Social Innovation. NOVA Centre per a la Innovació Social, Barcelona, Spain
Tourism in protected areas. University of Valdivia, Chile
Archeology of southern Patagonia. University of Magallanes, Chile
Climate Change and Cooperation for Development. Center Casa América, Madrid, Spain
1999 - 2004
Diploma in Sociology at the University of Chile
Work experiences
since 2011
PhD student at the Department of Soil and Site Sciences at the Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, Humboldt-University Berlin
Thesis: A strategy for sustainable and participatory management of North Patagonic Peatlands within the Baker and Pascua watersheds, Aysen, Chile
Student assistant at Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in the project "fish stock"
2008 - 2009
National Tourism Service SERNATUR Chile. Associated researcher to the Project "Social, environmental and economic impacts of tourism in the province of Última Esperanza, Magallanes, Chile"
National Forestry Corporation CONAF. Associated Researcher to the project "Characterization of biodiversity and economic activities in the protected area Reserva Nacional Alacalufes" in Puerto Natales, Chile
Institute for Education of Puerto Natales. Coordinator of the workshop "Promoting small businesses in the context of sustainable development of tourism in Magallanes". Puerto Natales, Chile
Department for Technical Cooperation of the Chilean Government. Coordinator of the project "Development of an interactive CD with information on paleontological, archaeological, historical and other tourist resources of Última Esperanza". Municipality in Puerto Natales. Magallanes, Chile
Professional Institute ARCOS. Teacher of sociology. Puerto Natales. Magallanes, Chile.
Department for Technical Cooperation of the Chilean Government. Program developer for several projects of economic development in the municipality of Puerto Natales, Chile.
Student assistant in different research projects at the Foundation Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Chile. Santiago-Chile
2007 - 2008
College of Management and Design of Sustainable Development, Berlin. Supporting scientific work:
Adaptation of the methodology to evaluate the results of the Summer University "Audiovisual Communication"
Statistical and substantive analysis of the evaluations of the Summer University 2008 version and derivation of the "lessons learned".
Conceptions legwork for blended learning curriculum in 2009
ENVIU gGmbH. Coordinator of Research "Economic strategies, social networks and current perspectives of the community of traditional fishermen in Puerto Natales, Magallanes, Chile
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Moor- und Torfkunde e.V. (German Peat Society)
International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG)
Los Turbales de Caleta Tortel. Excursion with children and teachers of the Elementary School of Caleta Tortel. Aysén, Chile.
Los Turbales de Aysén. Origen, características ecológicas y amenazas de ecosistemas asociados a las cuencas de los ríos Baker y Pascua. Presented at Centro de Estudios del Quaternario CEQUA-Magallanes, Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia CIEP-Coyhaique, Centro Cultural de Coyhaique and Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero SAG-Aysén.
From the Ice Age to the fire time: on the origins of Moore in watersheds of Aysen, Chile and opportunities for their preservation. Presented at the Section Meeting „Peatlands in their catchment areas“, organized by the German Society for Peatlands at the Biosphere Reserve Schorfheide-Chorin, Germany.
Strategies for Monitoring of peatlands ecosystems in the catchment areas of the Aysén Region-Chile. DAAD- meeting for scholarship holders in Lübeck, Germany.
Rodriguez, A.C. (2011): Conceptos Métodos de Campo y para una de Estrategia y Manejo Monitoreo Sustentable de Turberas en las Cuenca de la Patagonia Norte. Ejemplo de los ríos Baker y Pascua, Aysen, Chile. Presented at Centro de Estudios del Quaternario CEQUA-Magallanes, Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia CIEP-Coyhaique. Chile.