Katrin Daedlow - Promotion abgeschlossen
Dr Nils Markusson, of the Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, will be visiting the Division during the week beginning 19 May
Dr Juha Hiedenpää, of the Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute is visiting the Division until the end of June 2014
“WINS” Seminar series (Seminar of the Berlin Workshop in Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems)
HORTINLEA team at the Africa-Days
Dr. Dimitrios Zikos invited by Harokopio University of Athens
Second Water Governance MENA Region Initiative mission in Egypt and Jordan
News from InDeCa
Recently published ...
Lars Berger is Guest Researcher at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Majdi Gouja – Vortrag auf “Near East and North Africa Land and Water Days", 15.-18.12.2013
Professor Theesfeld - Habilitationsverfahren abgeschlossen
Ulrike Müller - Promotion abgeschlossen
Dissertation von Christian Kimmich veröffentlicht
Dr. Villamayor-Tomas- Presentation at Oxford University
Majdi Gouja auf den “Near East and North Africa Land and Water Days"
Einstein Junior Fellow Andreas Thiel ist Mitglied der AGYA
Elinor-Ostrom-Schule in Berlin
Sergio Villamayor-Tomas at Sonora University and Chihuahua University, Mexico
Q-Team starts in Winter semester 2013/14
IU's Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis renamed for Elinor and Vincent Ostrom
Anastasia Gotgelf: Article in "Ecology and Society"
Special Collection on Common-Pool Resources in Central Asia
Angelika Vogt in Bologna
Honorata Nyga-Łukaszewska in RSERC at HU Berlin
Standpunkt: Bundesweite Abstände schaden Akzeptanz
Angelika Vogt at FSR Climate Annual Conference 2019
David Landholm at CoRE Seminar
New paper on the impact of power plant flexibility on the efficient transition to renewable generation
No. 28 in international ranking: INRM
No. 28 in international ranking: Master program Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM)