M.Sc. Agricultural Economics
Studiengangsleitung/Head of Programme:
Studiengangskoordination/Programme Coordinator:
Kontakt: agecon.adt@hu-berlin.de
Applications in 2024 only possible for the winter semester 2024/25.
Application period (non-restricted MSc; all students fulfilling the admission requirements will be admitted):
- Students with baccalaureate from Germany: 01.06.-31.08.2024
- Students with baccalaureate from other countries (via Uni-Assist): 02.05.-15.06.2024
Make sure you are registered at the Moodle Course “E-Mail-List Agricultural Economics Students” (https://moodle.hu-berlin.de/course/view.php?id=73779) in order to receive regular updates on the situation.
- Informationen zum Studiengang
- Informationen für die Bewerbung um einen Studienplatz
- Informationen für (neuimmatrikulierte) Studierende
- Process flow for crediting external achievments
(enthalten auch Modulverzeichnisse und Studienverlaufspläne)