Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Albrecht Daniel Thaer - Institut für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften | Agrar- und Ernährungspolitik | Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter | Dr. Kurt Jechlitschka | Files of the One Term Lecture in Mathematics Files of the One Term Lecture in Mathematics 1_1 Introduction and Set Theory.pdf 1_2 Sigma-Notation, Absolute Value, Limit.pdf 2_1 Analysis; Functions of one Variable.pdf 2_2 Differential Calculus.pdf 2_3 Multivariate Functions, Partial Derivative, Local Extrema.pdf 2_4 Absolute Extremum, Taylor-Theorem, Lagrange-Function, Analysis of Trend and Regression.pdf 3_1 Linear Algebra; Matrices and Vectors, Matrix Algebra, Input-Output-Analysis.pdf 3_2 Linear Combination and Linear Independence of Vectors.pdf 3_3 Basis of a Vector Space, Elementary Transformation of a Basis (ETB), Rank of a Matrix.pdf 3_4 Systems of Linear Equations.pdf 3_5 Inverse of a Matrix.pdf 3_6 Linear Optimization, Simplex Algorithm.pdf EXERCISES.pdf The whole MATH-Lecture.pdf