Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences

Marvin Gabriel - Geographer



Mires and peatlands in Maputaland: Genesis, substrates and properties exemplified by the region “greater Manguzi” – A basis for adequate recommendations on sustainable farming and restoration



10/2004 - 05/2012

Diplom (M.Sc.) in Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology at the Leibniz University Hannover

Diploma thesis: Investigations into soil quality and the occurrence of rickets in Kaduna, Nigeria


10/2003 - 10/2004

Studies of meteorology at the Leibniz University Hannover


08/2002 - 06/2003

Alternative service as caretaker at a schools field center



A-level at the Hannah Arendt Gymnasium Barsinghausen


Work Experiences/Internships

since 03/2013

Postgraduate at the South Africa-project "Alliance for Wetlands – Research and Restoration" at the Division of Soil Science and Site Science at the Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture at the Humboldt-University of Berlin


since 10/2012

Scientific collaborator at the South Africa-project "Alliance for Wetlands – Research and Restoration" at the Division of Soil Science and Site Science at the Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture at the Humboldt-University of Berlin


10/2014 – 04/2015 & 10/2013 – 03/2014 & 10/2012 - 12/2012

Fieldcampaign in KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)


02/2011 - 04/2011

Fieldcampaign for Diploma thesis in Kaduna (Nigeria)


09/2009 - 03/2010

Exchange semester at the Queen’s University Belfast (UK)


05/2009 - 07/2009

Internship in Basle: Studies on forest-soils for the Agency for environmental protection and energy (Switzerland)


09/2006 - 09/2007

2 exchange semesters at the Université de la Réunion (France)



International Mire Conservation Group

Green Desert e.V.



Gabriel, Marvin (2015): "World Wetland Day in Manguzi (South Africa): Awareness raising in rural South Africa" , IMCG Bulletin February 2015, p. 3-6.

Hartmann, L., Gabriel,M.,  Zhou, Y., Sponholz, B. & H. Thiemeyer ( 2014): Soil Assessment along Toposequences in Rural Northern Nigeria: A Geomedical Approach, Applied and Environmental Soil Science, vol. 2014, Article ID 628024, 9 pages.

Mosimann, T., Herbst, P., Gabriel, M. & J. Wessels (2010): Waldböden des Kantons Basel-Stadt, Geosynthesis Bd. 4, Sonderband 5, Hannover, 71 S.