Head of Division |
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Ulrichs Vice Dean Research Member Faculty Council Member Institute Council |
christian.ulrichs(at)hu-berlin.de |
+49 (0)30 2093 46422 |
Secretary |
Susanne Sbeih | susanne.sbeih(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46420 |
APL Professorship Dendroecology |
Prof. Dr. habil. Ralf Kätzel | ralf.kaetzel(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)33 34 65230 |
Guest Professorship Food and Health |
Prof. Dr. Caroline Stokes | caroline.stokes(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0) 15153583778 |
Honorary Professor of Quality Assurance of Plant Foods |
Prof. Dr. Susanne Huyskens-Keil Member of the Council of the HU Member Medical Senate Member Faculty Council Member Institute Council |
susanne.huyskens(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46424 |
Research Assistants |
Dr. rer agr. Thomas Aenis |
thomas.aenis(at)agrar.hu-berlin.de | |
M. Sc. Winston Beck | winston.beck(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46430 |
Dr. Michael Bitterlich | michael.bitterlich(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46433 |
M. Sc. Armin Blievernicht | armin.blievernicht(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46431 |
Laboratory Administration Analytics Commissioned Biosafety |
nadja.foerster(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46430 |
Dr. Amir Gharibeshghi | amir.gharibeshghi(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46429 |
M. Sc. Annika Grabau | annika.grabau(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46432 |
Dr. Patrick Grieger | mail(at)patrick-grieger.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46455 |
M. Sc. Diana Grüneberg (Helbig) | diana.helbig(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46292 |
PD Dr. Heiner Grüneberg | hgrueneberg(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46299 |
M. Sc. Daniel Hübner | daniel.huebner(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46436 |
M. Sc. Stefan Irrgang | stefan.irrgang(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46431 |
M. Sc. Alexandra Konzack | alexandra.konzack(at)hu-berlin.de | |
Dr. Christoph Kubitza | kubitzac(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46428 |
Dipl.-Ing. agr. Gunilla Lissek-Wolf |
gunilla.lissek-wolf(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46424 |
Dr. Katharina Löhr | loehkath(at)hu-berlin.de | |
M. Sc. Marcus Müller Working Group Dendroecology |
marcus.mueller(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46436 |
M. Sc. Jens Neumann |
jens.neumann(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46437 |
M. Sc. Dustin Olschewsky | dustin.olschewsky(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46455 |
M. Sc. Lena Safranek | lena.safranek.1(at)hu-berlin.de | |
M. Sc. Antje Schüttig Laboratory Administration In-vitro Working Group Dendroecology |
antje.schmidt(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46428 |
Dipl.-Ing. agr. Andreas Schmidt | andreas.schmidt(at)ibs-wriezen.de | +49 (0)33 456 71055 |
M. Sc. Martin Schüttig Working Group Dendroecology |
martin.schuettig(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46428 |
Dr. Dieter Simon | dieter.simon.1(at)hu-berlin.de | |
Dr. Jonathan Steinke | jonathan.steinke(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46428 |
Dr. Wael Yakti | wael.yakti(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46432 |
Dr. Matthias Zander Member Faculty Council |
matthias.zander(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46423 |
PhD students |
M. Sc. Maliha Aftab | maliha.aftab(at)hu-berlin.de | |
M. Sc. Laura Döbler | laura.doebler(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46430 |
M. Sc. Simon Goisser | simon.goisser(at)hswt.de | |
M. Sc. YoungJong Han | youngjong.han(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46437 |
M. Sc. Adele Hollmann | adele.hollman(at)hu-berlin.de | +40 (0)30 2093 46425 |
M. Sc. Angela Köhler | angela.koehler(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46433 |
M. Sc. Rui Liu | liur@email.arizona.edu | |
M. Sc. Guido Rux | grux(at)atb-potsdam.de | |
M. Eng. Martin Schreiner |
martin.schreiner(at) senstadtum.berlin.de |
M. Sc. Anja Kastell | akastell(at)web.de | |
M. Sc. Jasmin Sauer | jasmin.sauer(at)julius-kuehn.de | |
M. Sc. Olivia Naa Ayorkor Tetteh |
olivia.tetteh(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46433 |
M. Sc. Victoria Yarahmadi | victoria.yarahmadi(at)hu-berlin.de | |
Guest scientists |
Dr. Charles Adarkwah | charles.adarkwah(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46436 |
Dr. Deniz Baltaci | deniz.baltaci[at]hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 8304 2507 |
Dr. Alexandra Fetsch | alexandra.fetsch(at)bfr.bund.de | |
Dr. Cornelia Lehmann | cornelia.lehmann(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46437 |
Dr. Cornelia Oschmann | c.oschmann(at)hu-berlin.de | |
Dr. Sara Schaarschmidt Commissioned Biosafety |
sara.schaarschmidt(at)hu-berlin.de | |
Dr. Matthias Schöller | meschoeller(at)gmail.com | |
PS Dr. Stefan Sieber | siebeste(at)hu-berlin.de | |
Dipl.-Soziol. Alfred Tomaszewski | alf.hu(at)gmx.de | |
Member Forum Sustainability |
christine.werthmann(at)hu-berlin.de | |
Technical staff |
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Julia Eckardt Working Group Dendroecology |
julia.eckardt(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46428 |
Jan-Christoph Gloger | jan.gloger(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46423 |
Virginia Marten | virginia.marten(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46437 |
Wencke Schulze |
wencke.schulze(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46437 |
Student assistants |
Amna Alhashea | alhashea(at)hu-berlin.de | |
Kritika Chouhan |
Jan Gundelach | jan.gundelach(at)hu-berlin.de | |
Salena Husband | salena.husband(at)hu-berlin.de | |
Lizbeth Martinez | ||
Bastian Sichting | ||
Sophia Tadesse | sophia.tadesse(at)hu-berlin.de | +49 (0)30 2093 46432 |
Isabel Wagner | wagneris(at)cms.hu-berlin.de | |
Daphne Wald | daphne.wald(at)hu-berlin.de | |
Salma Zidan | ||
Karoline Ziesecke |