Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Urban Plant Ecophysiology

Dr. rer. pol. Christine Werthmann


Environmental and Resource Economics

Guest scientist



Research interests
  • Socio-ecological systems (SES) and sustainable natural resource management
  • New Institutional Economics
  • Common-pool resources and public goods
  • Collective action and property rights
  • Experimental/behavioural economicss
  • CUBES Circledevelopment and testing of a closed symbiotic production system in modular entities, which is adapted to the environment with the objective of a highly resource-efficient production of healthy food for human diet.
  • International Food Policy and Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., System-wide Initiative on Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi): PhD Stipend
  • Deutsches Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ): Post-graduates Studies at the Seminar for Rural Development (SLE), HU Berlin.
  • Nominiation for the Financial Times/Citi Ingenuity Award 2012: „Urban Ideas in Action“; together with colleagues from the Energy and Resource Institute in Delhi (TERI), December 2012, New York; with an article by James Crabtree, Financial Times, July 26, 2012: „Spark of inspiration“.