Research Focus
- Ecophysiology of trees
- Stress physiology and biomarkers
- Consequences of climate change on forests and urban ecosystems
- Population genetics and conservation of forest genetic ressouces
Current projects (third party funded)
- Climate change and future selection of trees (Trees4Streets) (ELER/EIP FKZ 04015000001/80166448)
- Drought tolerance and adaptability of different spruce populations (BMEL/Waldklimafonds, FKZ 28WB408303)
- Assessment of the invasion intensity of the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) in Brandenburg (InVaRo)(BMEL/Waldklimafonds)
- Establishment of an innovative planting procedure for oaks to improve the root development by using compostable root envelopes (BMEL/FNR FKZ 22023317)
- Genetic monitoring for beech and spruce in Germany (GenMon) (BMEL, FKZ 28WC409202)
- Ecological genetics, population genetics, gene conservation and usage of trees
- Tree physiology and applied dendrology
- Speaker of the advisory board of the Research Institute for Post-Mining Landscapes (FIB, Finsterwalde)
- Member of the advisory committee of the August-Bier-Foundation
- Member of the Federal-State-Working Group "Forest Genetic Resources and Forest Seed Law"
- Member of the foundation council „Waldwelten“