Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture

Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture No. 4/06

Payments for environmental services,
tenure security and environmental valuation

Guest Editors: Andreas Neef and Michael Ahlheim

Payments for environmental services, tenure security and environmental valuation: concepts and policies towards a better environment
Michael Ahlheim and Andreas Neef, Stuttgart, Germany

Payments for environmental services in Costa Rica: increasing efficiency through spatial differentiation
Tobias Wünscher, Bonn, Germany, Stefanie Engel, Zurich, Switzerland, and Sven Wunder, Belem, Brazil

Rural water pricing systems in Namibia: effects on water use and livelihoods
Bernadette Bock and Michael Kirk, Marburg, Germany

Transaction cost analysis of upstream-downstream relations in watershed services: lessons from community- based forestry management in Sumatra, Indonesia
Bustanul Arifin, Lampung, Indonesia

Assessing water tenure security and livelihoods of highland people in northern Thailand
Chapika Sangkapitux, Chiang Mai, Thailand, and Andreas Neef, Stuttgart, Germany

Economic valuation of environmental benefits in developing and emerging countries: theoretical considerations and practical evidence from Thailand and the Philippines
Michael Ahlheim, Oliver Frör, Stuttgart, Germany, and Nopasom Sinphurmsukskul, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Do expected income changes bias contingent valuation willingness-to-pay figures?
Franz Hackl and Gerald J. Pruckner, Linz, Austria

Use of stated preference methods for environmental payments in Japan: comparison of contingent valuation method and choice experiments
Mitsuyasu Yabe, Fukuoka, and Kentaro Yoshida, Tsukuba, Japan

Wages, land prices, and local public goods in Thailand
Worawet Suwanrada, Bangkok, Thailand, and Andreas Wagener, Hannover, Germany

Book reviews

VANLOON, GARY W., PATIL, S.G. and L.B. HUGAR (2005):
Agricultural Sustainability: Strategies for Assessment.
Uwe Jens Nagel, Berlin, Germany

BROUWER, F.M., I. HEINZ and T. ZABEL (eds.) (2003):
Governance of Water-Related Conflicts in Agriculture. New Directions in Agri-Environmental and Water Policies in the EU.
Peter P. Mollinga, Bonn, Germany

BRESSERS, HANS and STEFAN KUKS (eds.) (2004):
Integrated Governance and Water Basin Management. Conditions for Regime Change and Sustainability.
Stefanie Engel and Astrid Zabel, Zürich, Switzerland

Amenities and Rural Development. Theory, Methods and Public Policy.
Winfried von Urff, Bad Zwesten, Germany

SPOOR, MAX (ed.) (2004):
Globalisation, Poverty and Conflict. A Critical ‘Development’ Reader.
Shephard Siziba, Harare, Zimbabwe

Index Vol. 44 (2006)