Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture

Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture No. 2/06

Farmers’ perceptions and adoption of modern rice varieties in Nepal

Ganesh R. Joshi
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Kathmandu, Nepal

Sushil Pandey
International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines


Several modern varieties of rice have been released in Nepal to raise the productivity of rice, a major staple crop. Farmers have adopted these varieties to varying degrees, especially in rainfed areas. This paper attempts to identify factors that condition the adoption of modern varieties of rice. It is hypothesized that farmer perceptions regarding varietal attributes play a key role in explaining adoption behavior. This hypothesis was tested using farm-level data from rainfed areas of Nepal. An econometric model that includes farmer perception variables was found to be superior in explaining adoption behavior than the ones that include the usual socio-economic variables. Research approaches that incorporate farmers’ preferences for various characteristics of rice in breeding programs and extension strategies that are geared towards providing accurate information for efficient revision of farmer perceptions are needed to raise the adoption rate.

Keywords: perceptions, technology, attributes, adoption, farmer

JEL: Q 120

Vol. 45 (2006), No. 2: 171-186