Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Agrar- und Ernährungspolitik

Sommersemester 2024


neue SPO: PM 13: Agrarpolitik, Umwelt- und Ressourcenökonomie: VL 1 + SE (TUT fakultativ): Einführung in die Agrarpolitik
alte SPO: PM 14: Agrarpolitik (Einführung in die Agrarpolitik)

Start: SoSe 2025


Problemstellungen und Instrumente der Agrarpolitik; Einführung in die agrarpolitischen Institutionen; Grundlagen der Analyse agrarpolitischer Instrumente; Grundlagen der Analyse agrarpolitischer Willensbildung.

Prof. Dr. Peter H. Feindt mit Marc Duttlinger


FWM E3: Agrarpolitische Projektwerkstatt (entfällt)


Aktuelle Probleme der deutschen und europäischen Agrarpolitik;
Aktuelle Probleme der Agrarpolitik in mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern

Mi, 08-12 Uhr, online bzw. PH 13, Haus 12, SR 27



In the summer semester, we will offer our courses online via Moodle. Digital seminar sessions will take place live and online during the allocated time slots. To participate, you must register via Agnes (self-registration via Agnes only).

FM 2 (ÜF)/FWM S 2: European and International Agricultural Policy



Development and perspectives of European agricultural policy; agricultural policy-making in the European Union: the interplay of institutions, interests, ideas and policies; cross-policy and multi-level linkages: agricultural markets, food, trade, rural areas and the environment; new societal concerns and agricultural policy (e.g. animal welfare, food sovereignty); comparative perspectives.

Prof. Dr. P.H. Feindt
Mi, 18-22 Uhr, PH13-H12, SR 2.01

FM 22: Qualitative research methods: Research design and techniques



Methodological foundations of qualitative research methods; Advanced discussion of different qualitative research methods, e.g. interviews, focus groups, qualitative document analysis, observational techniques, ethnographic field studies; qualitative research design and methodological choices; approaches to researcher reflexivity; research ethics.

Prof. Dr. P.H. Feindt, Dr. Pascal Grohmann
Di, 10-14 Uhr, PH13-H12, SR 2.21

FM 26: Topics in Agriculture and Food Policy



Selected topics in agricultural and food policy.

Prof. Dr. P.H. Feindt, Prof. Dr. Harald Grethe

FM 29 / FM 29 (ÜF): Futures of Agriculture and Food entfällt im SoSe 2024



Scientific advice and societal visions of the future; approaches to the creation of visions for future technological and societal developments; approaches to the critical exploration of alternative futures; alternative futures of agriculture and food systems.

Prof. Dr. P.H. Feindt
Di, 14-16 Uhr, HN27-H12, SR 2.21
Mi, 10-12 Uhr, HN27-H12, SR 2.21