Sommersemester 2025
neue SPO: PM 13: Agrarpolitik, Umwelt- und Ressourcenökonomie:
VL 1 + SE 1 (TUT fakultativ): Einführung in die Agrarpolitik
alte SPO: PM 14: Agrarpolitik (Einführung in die Agrarpolitik)
Start: SoSe 2025
Problemstellungen und Instrumente der Agrarpolitik; Einführung in die agrarpolitischen Institutionen; Grundlagen der Analyse agrarpolitischer Instrumente; Grundlagen der Analyse agrarpolitischer Willensbildung.
Prof. Dr. Peter H. Feindt mit Marc Duttlinger
Mo, 15-18 Uhr / Do 10-13 Uhr, PH13-H12, H3
20135, 20135A
FM 2 (ÜF)/FWM S 2: European and International Agricultural Policy
Development and perspectives of European agricultural policy; agricultural policy-making in the European Union: the interplay of institutions, interests, ideas and policies; cross-policy and multi-level linkages: agricultural markets, food, trade, rural areas and the environment; new societal concerns and agricultural policy (e.g. animal welfare, food sovereignty); comparative perspectives.
Prof. Dr. P.H. Feindt
Mi, 18-22 Uhr, PH13-H12, SR 2.01
20211, 20211A
FM 22: Qualitative research methods: Research design and techniques
Methodological foundations of qualitative research methods; Advanced discussion of different qualitative research methods, e.g. interviews, focus groups, qualitative document analysis, observational techniques, ethnographic field studies; qualitative research design and methodological choices; approaches to researcher reflexivity; research ethics.
Prof. Dr. P.H. Feindt, Dr. Susanna Hönle, Dr. Malte Möck
Di, 10-14 Uhr, PH13-H12, SR 2.21
FM 26: Topics in Agriculture and Food Policy
Excursion to Brussels
Selected topics in agricultural and food policy.
Prof. Dr. P.H. Feindt, Prof. Dr. Harald Grethe
20209, 20209A, 20209B
FM 29 / FM 29 (ÜF): Futures of Agriculture and Food entfällt im SoSe 2024
Scientific advice and societal visions of the future; approaches to the creation of visions for future technological and societal developments; approaches to the critical exploration of alternative futures; alternative futures of agriculture and food systems.
Prof. Dr. P.H. Feindt
Di, 14-16 Uhr, HN27-H12, SR 2.21
Mi, 10-12 Uhr, HN27-H12, SR 2.21