Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Habilitation of Dr. Franz Gatzweiler

The meaning of value and institutional change for an economics of living systems

Start: October 2010
End: December 2014

The popular approach to account for nature’s values by applying market valuation techniques rooted in Walrasian economics triggered this investigation into the traditions of economic thought and the logic of valuing in response to market failure. Neoclassical economic theory and valuation is revisited, its paradoxes are revealed and value is put into the context of a multilayered polycentric organization of life. The consequences for valuing nature in the context of complexity and uncertainty are discussed and the implications for choosing how to value are elaborated. Theories of institutional change are explained and the meaning of institutional change for an economics of living systems is elaborated.

Researcher: Dr. Franz Gatzweiler

Cooperation Partners: Center for Development Research (ZEF Bonn), University of Bonn, Indiana University, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis (USA), Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (IBC) Ethiopian Coffee Forest Forum (ECFF) Addis Ababa University

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn

Funding: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Publications and Presentations: See