Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics


The Division of Resource Economics applies itself to the development of an Institutional Environmental and Resource Economics as an emerging discipline. The research activities of the Division focus particularly on " Institutions of Sustainability ". This analytical framework facilitates investigating a multitude of institutional issues related to Environmental and Resource Economics ranging from local participation to international agreements. Setting up and conducting such research projects was made possible by attracting external research funds and developing national and international research partnerships at national and international levels.

In Germany and especially in East Germany, the Division of Resource Economics analyses mainly policy-relevant issues, for example in the field of agri-environmental policies, provision of bio-energy and rural development. The Division has developed particular research interests, and gained extensive research experience, in analysing post-socialist transition processes in Central and Eastern European as well as Central and South East Asian countries. Numerous research projects deal with topics from developing and transition countries like Ethiopia, Indonesia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Brazil, Namibia, Uganda, Kirgizstan, India, Thailand, Vietnam and China. These research activities are associated with various types of national and international cooperation with both research partners and practitioners.

Research Projects >>
FoKo: Research Colloquium on Institutional and Resource Economics >>
Doctoral Certificate Program in Agricultural Economics >>

Research Projects

Cooperative research projects
Research projects in progress and completed projects in cooperation with other institutions
Individual research projects
Research projects in progress and completed, dissertations and habilitations

FoKo Logo

FoKo: Research Colloquium on Institutional and Resource Economics

FoKo: Research Colloquium on Institutional and Resource Economics Moodle
Programme: Winter Semester 2009/10
Programme: Summer Semester 2009
Programme: Winter Semester 2007/2008 PDF Icon
Programme: Summer Semester 2007 PDF Icon
Programme: Summer Semester 2006 PDF Icon
Programme: Winter Semester 2005/2006 PDF Icon

Logo Doctoral Certificate

Doctoral Certificate Program in Agricultural Economics

modules in progress:
SEAMLESS Training Course
completed modules:
Theorie und Empirie der Institutionen- und Organisationsanalyse Moodle
Programme PDF Icon
Theory, Analysis and Empirical Study of Institutions and Organisations (Ph.D. Workshop) Moodle
Programme PDF Icon