Our courses / topics for thesis and similar
? Are you looking for a topic for your bachelor or master thesis?
? Are you interested in completing your thesis in our research area?
? Would you like to edit a study project?
Information about this can be found on the page of our Moodle course „THSYS-Arbeiten”.
A list of already completed theses in our division can be found on our publications sites.
Modules in Bachelor programs
Courses in the summer semester
Nutztierhaltung (Livestock husbandry)
Course manager: Prof. Edna Hillmann
→ Course Catalog AGNES
→ Course in MOODLE
Biometrie (Biometrics)
Course manager: PD Dr. Lorenz Gygax
→ Course Catalog AGNES
→ Course in Moodle: Registration in biometrics/ Part Gygax "Statistik mit R"
Modules in the Master program
Courses in the summer semester
Tierhaltungssysteme (Livestock Systems)
Course manager: Prof. Edna Hillmann
→ Course Catalog AGNES
→ Course in MOODLE
Nutztierethologie (Livestock ethology)
Course manager: Prof. Edna Hillmann, PD Dr. Lorenz Gygax
→ Course Catalog AGNES
→ Course in MOODLE
Domestikation der Haustiere (Domestication of domestic animals)
Course manager: Prof. Edna Hillmann, Dr. Désirée Brucks
→ Course Catalog AGNES
→ Course in MOODLE
Agroecosystems, Environment and Sustainable Natural Resource Use
Course manager: Prof. Edna Hillmann
→ Course Catalog AGNES
→ Course in MOODLE
Biometrie & Versuchswesen (Biometrics & Experimentation)
Course manager: PD Dr. Lorenz Gygax
→ Course Catalog AGNES
→ Course in Moodle: Introduction / Part Gygax "Mixed-models in R"
We recommend everyone, who wants to write a graduation thesis with us (see below), to attend this module (summer semester):
"Versuchstierkunde nach FELASA-Richtlinien [BioXY45] im überfachlichen Wahlpflichtbereich"