Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences


News from 2024     



Lorenz Gygax's publication honoured as "most-cited"

The publication „Fully flexible analysis of behavioural sequences based on parametric survival models with frailties-A tutorial” with Lorenz Gygax as first author was one of the ten most cited publications in the journal Ethology in 2022/2023.




Workshop Gruppenfoto
Participation of our "FÖJler" Philon Hagelberg in the workshop "Solidarity Project lab - Solidarity projects step by step" in Luxembourg
 a short report


Date: 16. Feb. to 17. Feb. 2024

Place: Luxembourg


The workshop "Solidarity Project lab - Solidarity projects step by step" aimed to teach the participants basic concepts and techniques for a project that is to take place in their home town.

The workshop began with an introduction to the meaning of

  • Solidarity
  • Impact & sustainability
  • Skills development & learning experience
  • Inclusion & Participation

There was a lot of debate in the group, especially about solidarity - which actions are solidary.
Ultimately, it turned out that solidarity is difficult to define and depends on the individual.

The participants then worked on their idea individually with the help of the workshop leaders. The leaders gave the participants good feedback and guided them step by step through the project planning. Furthermore, the leaders taught the participants a lot about project management, including the financial part.

At the end of the workshop, the participants showed an increased motivation and capacity for the different aspects and methods of the project. There was also a deeper understanding of the idea of solidarity and its capacity. The participants now understood how to build the project step by step. The majority are motivated to apply what they have learnt in their environment.

The workshop "Solidarity projects step by step" was a great success and helped to strengthen the motivation and possibilities for realising the solidarity project.


Philon Henri Ronald Hagelberg (27/02/2024)


... and here are a few more pictures...


Fahrt nach Luxemburg
Trip to Luxembourg
im Seminar
... in the seminar
Luxemburg bei Nacht
Luxembourg by night




„MiZie” is mentioned in the trade press even before the start...
 read more about it 🖉

Our research project "MiZie" will start in March 2024 and has already been mentioned in "Schafzucht - Magazin für Schaf- und Ziegenfreunde"
(Issue 02.2024)

Artikel Schafzucht - 02.2024



Logo MiZie   → Click here for the homepage of our project    



Publication of the book „NUTZTIERE”

... in co-operation with Edna Hillmann

 read on... 🖉


Buchtitel "NUTZTIERE"

Book launch „More than a question of attitude”

Animal husbandry and animal welfare - do they go together at all?
The articles in this book take stock of current shortcomings and present possible alternatives: Yes, it is possible - if animal husbandry is consistently orientated towards animal welfare.

With contributions from Stefanie Pöpken, Renate Künast, Ophelia Nick, Franz-Theo Gottwald and Edna Hillmann, among others