Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences


News from 2018



Kandidaten und Jury
Research Awards on the occasion of the 50th International Meeting in Applied Ethology

On the occasion of the 50th International Meeting in Applied Ethology, the research awards of the International Society of Livestock Husbandry (IGN) were granted.During a festive ceremony, PD Dr. Lorenz Gygax was awarded a special price for his publication „Wanting, liking and welfare: The role of affective states in proximate control of behaviour in vertebrates“ ( 

Photo; from left: Dr. A-C. Wöhr (President of the IGN, LMU München); PD Dr. L. Gygax (HU Berlin), Prof. Dr. B. Puppe (selection commitee of the IGN research award, FBN Dummerstorf)


Fachschaft beim Herbstputz
Cleaning action at the research station - the student council is getting involwed

On October 5, members of our department collaborated with colleagues from the Campus Dahlem research station, the technical department and students of the Thaer-Institut faculty to dismantle old test facilities to make room for new projects.

In good weather sawed, screwed and smashed. For strengthening there were sausages from the grill and homemade cakes.

Many thanks to the Student Council for your great support!


Logo des Fachgebietes
Our Division has a new name:

According to a proposal of the Managing Director of the Albrecht Daniel Thaer Institute and the approval of the Institute Council, the Division of Animal Husbandry and Technology will be renamed with immediate effect
Division of Anaimal Husbandry and Ethology.