Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Thaer-Institute | International Agricultural Trade And Development | News News 01.-02.10.2024: Registration for 'Fragile Lives 2024' Now Open 23.-26.09.2024: CAPRI Training Session (Gocht, Stepanyan, Pignotti, Thom) 12.-13.09.2024: D. Pignotti & D. Stepanyan present at the 188th EAAE Seminar "Reorienting agri-food chains to hinder climate change and food security threats" 10.-12.09.2024: Dr. Jonas Luckmann and Sara Ashour present at the DAAD Global Centers Conference 27.-30.08.2024: Introduction to GAMS (Gocht, Stepanyan, Pignotti, Thom) 21.08.2024: New article co-authored by D. Pignotti, D. Stepanyan, A. Gocht on potential economic and environmental impacts reaching the green deal target of Organic farming in “Applied economics perspectives and policy” 13.08.2024: Introductory Session for CAPRI Traning session (Gocht, Stepanyan, Pignotti, Thom) 02.-07.08.2024: T. Kinkpe participates to the 32nd International Conference of the Agricultural Economists (ICAE) 28.06.2024: Verteidigung der BSc-Arbeit von E. Kambarova 27.06.2024: News uptake about latest publication by Jasmin Zöllmer and Harald Grethe on animal welfare 18.-19.06.2024: J. Luckmann presents in BMBF Status Seminar in the framework of German-Israeli-Watertechnology Cooperation 10.-11.04.2024: H. Grethe im Wissenschaftlichen Beirat des Thünen Instituts in Braunschweig 09.04.2024: H. Grethe im Beraterausschuss der Initiative Tierwohl 27.03.2024: Defense M.Sc. thesis Pawel Polchtchak on EU negotiations of a new LULUCF Regulation 26.03.2024: MSc defense von Sophia Renner 19.-21.03.2024: Z. Elnour, M. Houessou, P. Mwangi & H. Grethe for DFG Research Group workshops on climate change & human health in Bonn 19.03.2024: Berufung von H. Grethe in den Wissenschaftlichen Beirat für Natürlichen Klimaschutz (WBNK) durch BM Steffi Lemke 18.03.2024: Vortrag H. Grethe zur Zukunft von Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, Bioland Delegiertenversammlung Frühjahr 2024 15.03.2024: BSc-Verteidigung von Herrn Helge Robert Merten 15.03.2024: BSc Defense, Ms. Yingying Yang 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 17 Next 20 items
12.-13.09.2024: D. Pignotti & D. Stepanyan present at the 188th EAAE Seminar "Reorienting agri-food chains to hinder climate change and food security threats"
21.08.2024: New article co-authored by D. Pignotti, D. Stepanyan, A. Gocht on potential economic and environmental impacts reaching the green deal target of Organic farming in “Applied economics perspectives and policy”
02.-07.08.2024: T. Kinkpe participates to the 32nd International Conference of the Agricultural Economists (ICAE)
27.06.2024: News uptake about latest publication by Jasmin Zöllmer and Harald Grethe on animal welfare
18.-19.06.2024: J. Luckmann presents in BMBF Status Seminar in the framework of German-Israeli-Watertechnology Cooperation
19.-21.03.2024: Z. Elnour, M. Houessou, P. Mwangi & H. Grethe for DFG Research Group workshops on climate change & human health in Bonn
19.03.2024: Berufung von H. Grethe in den Wissenschaftlichen Beirat für Natürlichen Klimaschutz (WBNK) durch BM Steffi Lemke
18.03.2024: Vortrag H. Grethe zur Zukunft von Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, Bioland Delegiertenversammlung Frühjahr 2024