Impressions from the WINS Seminar
In Sub-Saharan African, agriculture dominates the economy. Smallholders strongly depend on the agriculture for incomes, food security and employment. Agricultural produces reach consumers via multilevel marketing systems, not directly from production. Thus, the fights to achieve food and nutrition security as well as prosperity for these countries will be won or lost by the way agriculture and its value chains are coordinated. The ValueSeC project is designed to reinforce and intensify exchange and collaboration between universities, rural stakeholders and research organizations in Ethiopia, Kenya and Germany with a focus on a) institutional capacity-building and b) further development of the food value chain concept. This integration will boost the introduction and enhancement of inter-disciplinary teaching, problem-based and participatory research and will provide necessary expertise to safeguard sustainability. This would further enable to adapt to challenges of agriculture, increase its production and enhancing the coordination of actors along the entire value chain.