Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DFG Forschergruppe SiAg 2007-2010


SiAg Forschungsseminar - Sommersemester 2010

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philippstr. 13, Haus 12, Raum SR2.01

Datum, Uhrzeit, Ort verantwortlich Thema
22. Aril,
14:00 - 18:00 Uhr,
HU Berlin
Alle Generalprobe
20. Mai,
14:15 - 17:45 Uhr,
HU Berlin
TP   1: Schade
TP   2: Odening
TP   6: Offermann/Brockmeier
TP   7: Grethe/von Witzke

Can crop yield risk be globally diversified?

Farm Level Effects of EU Policy Liberalization
10. Juni,
14:15 - 17:45 Uhr,
IAMO, Halle
TP   5: Balmann/Mußhoff
TP   9: Petrick

TP 10: Kirschke
TP 11: Beckmann/Hagedorn
Competitiveness of Milk Production and Processing in Saxony-Anhalt
CAP Reform and the effects of direct payments on heterogeneous farm structures in East Germany
Supporting budget allocation decisions in RD policy-making
Transactions, Actors, Institutions and Governance: The case of GM crops in Germany

SiAg Forschungsseminar - Wintersemester 2009/2010

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philippstr. 13, Haus 12, Raum SR2.01

Datum, Uhrzeit, Ort verantwortlich Thema
19. November,
HU Berlin
TP 2: Odening
TP 8: Kemfert/Sorda
Discussion of new proposal
Abschlussbericht von TP 8 (Kemfert)
10. Dezember,
IAMO Halle
TP 1: Schade
TP 5: Balmann
TP 5: Mußhoff
subprojects 1 and 5a: Coordination and allocation on land markets under increasing scale economies and heterogeneous actors – an experimental study
Philipp Hengel (Sp 5b): On the magnitude of bounded rationality in business management games – A behavioral economic analysis of complex decision making
Marten Graubner (IAMO): Location, Spatial Price Discrimination and their interdependencies
21. Januar,
Universität Hohenheim
TP 6: Brockmeier
TP 6: Offermann
TP 7: Grethe/v. Witzke
Margarian: Consequences of the complexity of structural change in Agriculture
Urban: OTDS reductions in the GTAP database/model
Deppermann: Linking FARMIS and ESIM
28. Januar,
HU Berlin
TP 9: Petrick
TP 10: Kirschke
TP 11: Beckmann/ Hagedorn
Martin Petrick: Halting the Rural Race to the Bottom
Julia: Programming rural development funds from a regional perspective
Konrad Hagedorn, Volker Beckmann and Nicola Consmüller: More need for regional decision making when dealing with coexistence issues?

SiAg Forschungsseminar Sommersemester 2009

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philippstr. 13, Haus 12, Raum SR2.01

Datum, Uhrzeit, Ort verantwortlich Thema
16. April,
HU Berlin
TP 2: Odening/ Hüttel Structural Change and Dynamic Efficiency of German Dairy Farms
  TP 5: Mußhoff Modelling structural change on farm level under consideration of the real options theory and bounded rationality
  TP 9: Petrick Econometric evaluation of CAP impacts in Germany
7. Mai,
IAMO Halle
TP 1: Schade Agricultural entrepreneurs' role in structural change - experiments on decision-making
  TP 4: Hockmann/
von Schlippenbach        
Market structure and organization in agri-food value chains: an application to the german dairy sector
  TP 5: Balmann Between path dependence and path creation: how smart should farmers be modelled?
28. Mai,
vTI Braunschweig
TP 6: Brockmeier
TP 6: Offermann
Linking GTAP and FARMIS
  TP 7: von Witzke System-wide analysis of EU rural development policies at regional level
2. Juli,
HU Berlin
TP 7: Blesl / Grethe
Energy from Biomass: Linkages between the Agricultural and the Energy Sector in the EU
  TP 10: Kirschke / Weingarten Policy support for rural development and structural change using interactive programming
  TP 11: Beckmann/
Hagedorn /Consmüller
Dynamics of instutional and structural change - The case of GM crops in agriculture
11./12. September
  Workshop Liebenberg



SiAg Forschungsseminar Wintersemester 2008/09

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philippstr. 13, Haus 12a, Raum SR2.01


Datum, Uhrzeit, Ort Verantwortlich Referenten / Thema  Downloads (intern)

TP 1: Schade

Sandri: An Experimental Investigation of Real Options Decision Making Sandri_SiAgWs2008.pdf
  TP 2: Odening Hüttel: Structural Change in the Dairy Sector - A Markov Chain Analysis (co-author: Roel Jongeneel) Huettel_SiAgWs2008.pdf
vTI, Braunschweig
Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut

TP 5: Balmann

Larsen: Economic aspects of collaborative arrangements in agriculture Larsen_SiAgWs2008.pdf
  TP 5: Mußhoff Mußhoff: Financing Decisions of Farmers and Bounded Rationality – First Empirical Evidence Musshoff_SiAgWs2008.pdf
  TP 7: Kemfert Sorda: Economic Consequences of The promotion of Renewable Energy to the agricultural sector Sorda_SiAgWs2008.ppt

TP 9: Petrick

Zier: Impacts of the CAP in East Germany Petrickzier_SiagWS2008.pdf
  TP 10: Kirschke Schmid: Interactive programming approaches for the design of rural development policies Schmid_SiagWS2008.pdf
  TP 11: Beckmann/ Hagedorn Dr. Anja Vaasen vom Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit „Public GMO location register according to Article 31 (3b) of Directive 2001/18/EC (§16a GenTG in Germany)“  
IAMO, Halle

TP 6: Brockmeier

TP 6: Offermann

Kirsten Urban: "Aggregate Measurement of Support versus Producer Support Estimate: How to model Domestic Support in GTAP?"
Anne Margarian: "Exit, Growth and Decline of Farms"


  TP 8: Grethe/ v. Witzke Andre Deppermann: "Modelling of Land Markets and Direct Payments in ESIM" Deppermann_SiagWS2008.pdf



SiAg Forschungsseminar Sommersemester 2008

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philippstr. 13, Haus 12a, Raum SR2.01


 Datum  Uhrzeit, Ort  Verantwortlich  Referenten / Thema  Downloads (intern)
24.04.08 16:15-17:45 Kirschke Gastvortrag Prof. Dr. Helmut Karl (Ruhr-Universität Bochum): Theorie des sektoralen und regionalen Strukturwandels in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften StrukturwandelHK
08.05.08 14:15-17:45 Odening (TP2) Gastvortrag Dr. Dr. Stefan Mann (Forschungsanstalt Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon): Strukturwandel in unterschiedlichen Agrarsystemen prsmas
    Beckmann/ Hagedorn (TP11) Nicola Große: GVO und Natura 2000: Fallauswahl und ökonometrische Analyse GVO
29.05.08 14:15-17:45
IAMO, Halle
Balmann/ Mußhoff (TP5) Karin Larsen, Alfons Balmann and Oliver Musshoff: Does vertical integration reduce investment reluctance in production chains? An agent-based real options approach  
    Petrick (TP9) Martin Petrick: The Co-evolution of Semantics and Policy Paradigms: 50 Years of Europe's Common Agricultural Policy Petrick
12.06.08 14:15-17:45 Schade (TP1) Serena Sandri: Experimental Studies on the Investment Behavior of Agricultural Entrepreneurs Sandri
    Kemfert (TP8)   Sorda
19.06.08 14:15-17:45 Grethe/ v.Witzke (TP7) Harald Grethe: Auswirkungen der steigenden Nachfrage nach Biokraftstoffen auf das Preisniveau für Agrarprodukte Grethe62008
03.07.08 14:15-17:45
vTI, Braunschweig
Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut
Brockmeier/ Offermann (TP6) Martina Brockmeier and Kirsten Urban: Assessing the Impacts of Agricultural Policies on the Global, National and Farm Level – A Survey of Model SystemsAnne Margarian and Frank Offermann: Fundamental determinants of  the abandonment of farms