Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Ressourcenökonomie

Einzelforschungsprojekte_alt vom 26.11.09

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Habilitationen und Post-Doc Arbeiten

Laufende Habilitationen

Chennamaneni, Ramesh Landwirtschaftliche Transformation und institutioneller Wandel in Indien – eine vergleichende Studie der Ansätze zu Wassereinzugsgebietsentwicklung und deren zugehörige Politikempfehlungen
Gatzweiler, Franz Politische Ökonomie des Erhalts der Biodiversität
Grundmann, Philipp Institutional Change in Biomass and Bioenergy Production
Mann, Carsten Sozial-Ökologische Systeme – eine Analyse der Entstehung von Governanceregimen und ihre Wechselwirkungen mit Instrumenten der Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitspolitik
Pinto Siabato, Flavio Institutions for the Sustainability of the Economic and the Ecological Systems from a Perspective of Complex Systems
Thiel, Andreas Europeanization and the Transformation of Resource Governance in European Coastal Zones

Abgeschlossene Habilitationen

Beckmann, Volker Essays in Institutional Analysis. Application to Economic Transition, Technology Adoption and Environmental Governance in Agriculture
Padmanabhan, Martina Gender and Institutional Analysis - Resource Management in Asia and Africa

Weitere Einzelprojekte

Bogale, Ayalneh Resource Governance and Emerging Institutions for Sustainable Management of Natural Forests in Ethiopia: Analysis of Institutional Change and Benefits to Forest Dwellers in Adaba-Dodola Forest Priority Area


Laufende Dissertationen

Akhter, Tasneem Preservation of an Ecosystem in the Scenario of Land Use Change specifically Wetland of Gujranwala (a Case Study)
Arauz Torres, Mario Alberto Institutional Change in Natural Resource Management: a case study regarding the evolution of the forest policy in Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua
Arun, Kumar John
Study for Energy Utilization and Impact Scenarios for Hyderabad
Bhatt, Brijesh
Bioenergy and Food Provision: Potential Rivalry and Institutional Constraints
Bisaro, Sandy Determinants of Institutional Change for Sustainable Natural Resource Use: wetlands management in the Lesotho Highlands
Chaliganti, Raghu Institutional Networking for Promoting Bio-fuel Plantations: a case study on sustainable livelihoods in Andhra Pradesh
Chidambaram, Bhuvanachihtra
Set Up of a Data Base of Emissions and Fuel Consumption Classes
Consmüller, Nicola Governing GM Crops in Europe-Public Regulation, Private Organisation and the Adaption of GM Crops
Crewett, Wibke How to Make Rural Services Work for the Poor in Kyrgyz Republic? A case study approach to governance in rural Central Asia
Daedlow, Katrin Developing Adaptive Management Systems in German Recreational Fisheries: insights from institutional economics
Deneke, Tilaye Teklewold Water Governance in Crop-Livestock Mixed Farming Systems of Amhara Region, Ethiopia: Institutions and Collective Action
Ehlers, Melf-Hinrich Nachhaltige Energieerzeugung aus landwirtschaftlicher Biomasse: Institutionelle Zusammenhänge privaten und öffentlichen Handelns
Fentz, Volker (extern) International Accounting Standard und International Financial Reporting Standard bei Genossenschaften – am Beispiel von Kredit- und Agrargenossenschaften
Gandhi, Ruhi Food Chain and Climate Change: Revealing the Main Relationships
Ghosh, Ranjan Kumar Valuation for a Low Emission Habitation
Gouja, Majdi Auswirkungen der institutionellen Ressourcenregime auf die Nutzung der Ressource Landschaft auf den landschaftlichen Zustand: Fallstudie die Insel Djerba
Gupta, Sreoshi Energy and Water Linkages in Urban Megacities
Hagemann, Nina Governing Natural Resources in Transition Countries – the case of waste water management in t5he city of Lviv (Ukraine)
Hernández, José (extern) Analysis of Economic Driving Forces in Crop Protection. case study: apple production in the EU
Horam, Phungmayo Analysis of Market Potential and Government Policy for Renewable Energy
Irawan, Evi The Effect of Farm Labor Organization on the Adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Jakhalu, Atoho The sustainable Food Strategy for Hyderabad - Emerging Challenges for Climate Change
Janetschek, Hannah Ein integrierter Wasserressourcen Management Ansatz: In Richtung einer nachhaltigen Wasserversorgung in urbanen und peri-urbanen Gebieten Hyderabads in Zeiten des Klimawandels
Kaim, Eike (extern) Marktstrukturen und Wettbewerb auf dem deutschen Baumschulmarkt
Kandlakunta, Udaya Changes in Land Use Patterns Due to Urban Mega Projects and Implications for Climate Change
Kimmich, Christian Roles of Energy Infrastructure Governance for Renewable Energies in the Case of Andhra Pradesh, India – an analysis of institutional change on regulation performance
Kiran, Keerthi Citizens Governance: Participatory Governance in Waste and Sewage Management in Hyderabad City
Kutschke, Andreas (extern)
Neue Politische Ökonomie der Erfassung und Beurteilung von Emissionen und Immissionen aus Tierhaltungsan­lagen in Genehmigungsverfahren
Mackinnon, Anne (extern) Water Management in the Rocky Mountains: establishment, evolution, challenge and resilience of locally-crafted institutions in the high, cold dessert of Wyoming
Margarian, Anne Die Bedeutung von Institutionen für die quantitativ-empirische Analyse des Agrarstrukturwandels
Müller, Ulrike Making Rural Services Work for the Poor – the role of collective action for agriculture-led development in India
Nguyen Min Dao
Perez Carmona, Alexander Ex ante Institutional Alignments to NIMBY Problems: the siting of sanitary landfills in colombia
Proestou, Maria
Implementierung der Windenergie im Ägäischen Meer: Eigentumsrechte und Akteure im Fall der Kykladen
Rauchenecker, Katharina
Institutioneller Wandel im Wildtiermanagement – Anpas­sungsdruck, Reaktion und Anpassungsfähigkeit von Jagd­genossenschaften
Shaik, Zakir Hussain
Food Chain and Climate Change: Mitigation Strategies through Localized Food System
Schleyer, Christian
Institutioneller Wandel von Wasserregulierungssystemen
Schmidt, Oscar
Adaptation or stagnation in the face of a changing climate? An evolutionary approach for explaining institutional responses to water scarcity in agriculture
Seyoum, Aseffa
Wild Coffee Genetic Resources Conservation in Protected Areas of Southwestern Ethiopia: Implication to Local Household Economy and Sustainable Use
Srigiri, Srinivasa Reddy
Institutions of Collective Action for Resource Protection and Poverty Reduction: participation of the poor in watershed management projects in India
Stupak, Nataliya Eine Institutionenanalyse der Degradierung und des Schutzes der Schwarzerde in der Ukraine
Tan Rong Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources
von Bock und Pollach, Charlotte Migration landwirtschaftlicher Saisonarbeitskräfte von Polen nach Deutschland – Institutionen, Netzwerke, Sozialkapital
Watanabe, Shigeo Successful Elements of Bioprospecting Contracts in Case of Namibian Marula Oil
Weigelt, Jes Reforming Access: agrarian change and communal forest governance in the Brazilian Amazon

Abgeschlossene Dissertationen

Arzt, Katja (2008) Lokale Partizipation und nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung. Eine institutionelle Analyse von Agrar-Umwelt-Foren
Hundie, Bekele (2008) Pastoralism, Institutions and Social Interactions: explaining the coexistence of conflicts and cooperation in pastoral Afar, Ethiopia. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 34. Aachen: Shaker
Beyene, Fekadu (2008) Challenges and Options in Governing Common Property. customary institutions among (agro-)pastoralists in Ethiopia. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 32. Aachen: Shaker
Banaszak, Ilona (2007) Success and Failure of Cooperation in Agricultural Markets. evidence from producer groups in Poland. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 31. Aachen: Shaker
Boening, Frank (2007) Access to Land and Land Use at the Agricultural Frontier: property rights and transaction costs (extern). Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 33. Aachen: Shaker
Dirimanova, Violeta (2007) Economic Effects of Land Fragmentation: property rights, land markets and contracts in Bulgaria. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 29. Aachen: Shaker
Jungcurt, Stefan (2007) Institutional Interplay in International Environmental Governance: strategic interaction and policy interdependence in the regime complex on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 30. Aachen: Shaker
Vien, Ha Thuc (2007) Land Rights and Rural Livelihoods: an examination from the uplands of Vietnam. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 28. Aachen: Shaker
Eggers, Jörg (2005) Dezentralisierung der Agrarumweltmaßnahmen in der europäischen Agrarpolitik: Hemmnisse eines institutionellen Wandels. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 25. Aachen: Shaker
Hidayat, Aceng (2005) Institutional Analysis of Coral Reef Management: a case study of Gili Indah Village/West Lombok, Indonesia. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 22. Aachen: Shaker
Hurrelmann, Annette (2005) Agricultural Land Markets: Organisation, Institutions, Costs and Contracts in Poland. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 24. Aachen: Shaker
Korf, Benedikt (2004) Conflict, Space and Institutions. property rights and the political economy of war in Sri Lanka. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 19. Aachen: Shaker
Nguyen, Tan Quang (2004) What Benefits and for Whom? Effects of devolution of forest management in Dak Lak, Vietnam. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 21. Aachen: Shaker
Than, Tran Ngoc (2004) From Legal Acts to Village Institutions and Forest Use Practices: effects of devolution in the central highlands of Vietnam. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Vol. 27. Aachen: Shaker
Theesfeld, Insa (2004) A Common-Pool Resource in Transition. determinants of institutional change for Bulgaria’s post-socialist irrigation sector. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 23. Aachen: Shaker
Hanisch, Markus (2003) Property Reform and Social Conflict. a multi-level analysis of the change of agricultural property rights in post- socialist Bulgaria. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 15. Aachen: Shaker
Rahausen, Elke V. (2003) Die Comunidad im Wandel. Zur Situation und Integration von Mapuche-Kleinbauern in der chilenischen Gesellschaft.
Berichte aus der Agrarökonomie Aachen: Shaker
Bogale, Ayalneh (2002) Land Degradation, Impoverishment and Livelihood Strategies of Rural Households in Ethiopia: farmers' perceptions and policy implication. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 8. Aachen: Shaker
Gatzweiler, Franz (2002) The Changing Nature of Economic Value. indigenous forest garden values in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 16. Aachen: Shaker
Lütteken, Antonia (2002) Agrar-Umweltpolitik im Transformationsprozess - Das Beispiel Polen. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 14. Aachen: Shaker
Rudolph, Markus (2002) Agrarstrukturpolitik im vereinten Deutschland. Eine Analyse der Gemeinschaftsaufgabe “Verbesserung der Agrarstruktur und des Küstenschutzes” im Lichte der Neuen Politischen Ökonomie. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 20. Aachen: Shaker
Schlüter, Achim (2001) Institutioneller Wandel und Transformation. Restitution, Transformation und Privatisierung in der tschechischen Landwirtschaft. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 3. Aachen: Shaker
Klages, Bernd (2000) Die Privatisierung der ehemals volkseigenen landwirtschaftlichen Flächen in den neuen Bundesländern - Grundlagen, Rahmenbedingungen, Ausgestaltung und Wirkungen. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 5. Aachen: Shaker
Kolloge, Sabine (1999) Eine Wirkungsanalyse der Agenda 21 in Bezug auf eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und ländliche Entwicklung am Beispiel von Kommunen in England und Deutschland. Regensburg: Transfer
Rommel, Kai (1998) Kosten und Nutzen des Biosphärenreservates Schorfheide-Chorin. Eine empirische Analyse der mikroökonomischen Bestimmungsfaktoren einer naturerhaltenden Ökonomie. Regensburg: Transfer