Einzelforschungsprojekte_alt vom 26.11.09
Habilitationen und Post-Doc Arbeiten
Laufende Habilitationen
Chennamaneni, Ramesh | Landwirtschaftliche Transformation und institutioneller Wandel in Indien – eine vergleichende Studie der Ansätze zu Wassereinzugsgebietsentwicklung und deren zugehörige Politikempfehlungen |
Gatzweiler, Franz | Politische Ökonomie des Erhalts der Biodiversität |
Grundmann, Philipp | Institutional Change in Biomass and Bioenergy Production |
Mann, Carsten | Sozial-Ökologische Systeme – eine Analyse der Entstehung von Governanceregimen und ihre Wechselwirkungen mit Instrumenten der Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitspolitik |
Pinto Siabato, Flavio | Institutions for the Sustainability of the Economic and the Ecological Systems from a Perspective of Complex Systems |
Thiel, Andreas | Europeanization and the Transformation of Resource Governance in European Coastal Zones |
Abgeschlossene Habilitationen
Beckmann, Volker | Essays in Institutional Analysis. Application to Economic Transition,
Technology Adoption and Environmental Governance in Agriculture |
Padmanabhan, Martina | Gender and Institutional Analysis - Resource Management in Asia and Africa |
Weitere Einzelprojekte
Laufende Dissertationen
Akhter, Tasneem | Preservation of an Ecosystem in the Scenario of Land Use Change specifically Wetland of Gujranwala (a Case Study) |
Arauz Torres, Mario Alberto | Institutional Change in Natural Resource Management: a case study regarding the evolution of the forest policy in Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua |
Arun, Kumar John |
Study for Energy Utilization and Impact Scenarios for Hyderabad |
Bhatt, Brijesh |
Bioenergy and Food Provision: Potential Rivalry and Institutional Constraints |
Bisaro, Sandy | Determinants of Institutional Change for Sustainable Natural Resource Use: wetlands management in the Lesotho Highlands |
Chaliganti, Raghu | Institutional Networking for Promoting Bio-fuel Plantations: a case study on sustainable livelihoods in Andhra Pradesh |
Chidambaram, Bhuvanachihtra |
Set Up of a Data Base of Emissions and Fuel Consumption Classes |
Consmüller, Nicola | Governing GM Crops in Europe-Public Regulation, Private Organisation and the Adaption of GM Crops |
Crewett, Wibke | How to Make Rural Services Work for the Poor in Kyrgyz Republic? A case study approach to governance in rural Central Asia |
Daedlow, Katrin | Developing Adaptive Management Systems in German Recreational Fisheries: insights from institutional economics |
Deneke, Tilaye Teklewold | Water Governance in Crop-Livestock Mixed Farming Systems of Amhara Region, Ethiopia: Institutions and Collective Action |
Ehlers, Melf-Hinrich | Nachhaltige Energieerzeugung aus landwirtschaftlicher Biomasse: Institutionelle Zusammenhänge privaten und öffentlichen Handelns |
Fentz, Volker (extern) | International Accounting Standard und International Financial Reporting Standard bei Genossenschaften – am Beispiel von Kredit- und Agrargenossenschaften |
Gandhi, Ruhi | Food Chain and Climate Change: Revealing the Main Relationships |
Ghosh, Ranjan Kumar | Valuation for a Low Emission Habitation |
Gouja, Majdi | Auswirkungen der institutionellen Ressourcenregime auf die Nutzung der Ressource Landschaft auf den landschaftlichen Zustand: Fallstudie die Insel Djerba |
Gupta, Sreoshi | Energy and Water Linkages in Urban Megacities |
Hagemann, Nina | Governing Natural Resources in Transition Countries – the case of waste water management in t5he city of Lviv (Ukraine) |
Hernández, José (extern) | Analysis of Economic Driving Forces in Crop Protection. case study: apple production in the EU |
Horam, Phungmayo | Analysis of Market Potential and Government Policy for Renewable Energy |
Irawan, Evi | The Effect of Farm Labor Organization on the Adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) |
Jakhalu, Atoho | The sustainable Food Strategy for Hyderabad - Emerging Challenges for Climate Change |
Janetschek, Hannah | Ein integrierter Wasserressourcen Management Ansatz: In Richtung einer nachhaltigen Wasserversorgung in urbanen und peri-urbanen Gebieten Hyderabads in Zeiten des Klimawandels |
Kaim, Eike (extern) | Marktstrukturen und Wettbewerb auf dem deutschen Baumschulmarkt |
Kandlakunta, Udaya | Changes in Land Use Patterns Due to Urban Mega Projects and Implications for Climate Change |
Kimmich, Christian | Roles of Energy Infrastructure Governance for Renewable Energies in the Case of Andhra Pradesh, India – an analysis of institutional change on regulation performance |
Kiran, Keerthi | Citizens Governance: Participatory Governance in Waste and Sewage Management in Hyderabad City |
Kutschke, Andreas (extern) |
Neue Politische Ökonomie der Erfassung und Beurteilung von Emissionen und Immissionen aus Tierhaltungsanlagen in Genehmigungsverfahren |
Mackinnon, Anne (extern) | Water Management in the Rocky Mountains: establishment, evolution, challenge and resilience of locally-crafted institutions in the high, cold dessert of Wyoming |
Margarian, Anne | Die Bedeutung von Institutionen für die quantitativ-empirische Analyse des Agrarstrukturwandels |
Müller, Ulrike | Making Rural Services Work for the Poor – the role of collective action for agriculture-led development in India |
Nguyen Min Dao |
Perez Carmona, Alexander | Ex ante Institutional Alignments to NIMBY Problems: the siting of sanitary landfills in colombia |
Proestou, Maria |
Implementierung der Windenergie im Ägäischen Meer: Eigentumsrechte und Akteure im Fall der Kykladen |
Rauchenecker, Katharina |
Institutioneller Wandel im Wildtiermanagement – Anpassungsdruck, Reaktion und Anpassungsfähigkeit von Jagdgenossenschaften |
Shaik, Zakir Hussain |
Food Chain and Climate Change: Mitigation Strategies through Localized Food System |
Schleyer, Christian |
Institutioneller Wandel von
Wasserregulierungssystemen |
Schmidt, Oscar |
Adaptation or stagnation in the face of a changing climate? An evolutionary approach for explaining institutional responses to water scarcity in agriculture |
Aseffa |
Wild Coffee Genetic Resources Conservation in Protected Areas of Southwestern Ethiopia: Implication to Local Household Economy and Sustainable Use |
Srinivasa Reddy |
Institutions of Collective Action for Resource Protection and Poverty Reduction: participation of the poor in watershed management projects in India |
Stupak, Nataliya | Eine Institutionenanalyse der Degradierung und des Schutzes der Schwarzerde in der Ukraine |
Tan Rong | Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources |
von Bock und Pollach, Charlotte | Migration landwirtschaftlicher Saisonarbeitskräfte von Polen nach
Deutschland – Institutionen, Netzwerke, Sozialkapital |
Watanabe, Shigeo | Successful Elements of Bioprospecting Contracts in Case of Namibian Marula Oil |
Weigelt, Jes | Reforming Access: agrarian change and communal forest governance in
the Brazilian Amazon |
Abgeschlossene Dissertationen
Arzt, Katja (2008) | Lokale Partizipation und nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung. Eine institutionelle Analyse von Agrar-Umwelt-Foren |
Hundie, Bekele (2008) | Pastoralism, Institutions and Social Interactions: explaining the coexistence of conflicts and cooperation in pastoral Afar, Ethiopia. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 34. Aachen: Shaker |
Beyene, Fekadu (2008) | Challenges and Options in Governing Common Property. customary institutions among (agro-)pastoralists in Ethiopia. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 32. Aachen: Shaker |
Banaszak, Ilona (2007) | Success and Failure of Cooperation in Agricultural Markets. evidence from producer groups in Poland. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 31. Aachen: Shaker |
Boening, Frank (2007) | Access to Land and Land Use at the Agricultural Frontier: property rights and transaction costs (extern). Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 33. Aachen: Shaker |
Dirimanova, Violeta (2007) | Economic Effects of Land Fragmentation: property rights, land markets and contracts in Bulgaria. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 29. Aachen: Shaker |
Jungcurt, Stefan (2007) | Institutional Interplay in International Environmental Governance: strategic interaction and policy interdependence in the regime complex on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 30. Aachen: Shaker |
Vien, Ha Thuc (2007) | Land Rights and Rural Livelihoods: an examination from the uplands of Vietnam. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 28. Aachen: Shaker |
Eggers, Jörg (2005) | Dezentralisierung der Agrarumweltmaßnahmen in der europäischen Agrarpolitik: Hemmnisse eines institutionellen Wandels. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 25. Aachen: Shaker |
Hidayat, Aceng (2005) | Institutional Analysis of Coral Reef Management: a case study of Gili Indah Village/West Lombok, Indonesia. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 22. Aachen: Shaker |
Hurrelmann, Annette (2005) | Agricultural Land Markets: Organisation, Institutions, Costs and Contracts in Poland. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 24. Aachen: Shaker |
Korf, Benedikt (2004) | Conflict, Space and Institutions. property rights and the political economy of war in Sri Lanka. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 19. Aachen: Shaker |
Nguyen, Tan Quang (2004) | What Benefits and for Whom? Effects of devolution of forest management in Dak Lak, Vietnam. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 21. Aachen: Shaker |
Than, Tran Ngoc (2004) | From Legal Acts to Village Institutions and Forest Use Practices: effects of devolution in the central highlands of Vietnam. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Vol. 27. Aachen: Shaker |
Theesfeld, Insa (2004) | A Common-Pool Resource in Transition. determinants of institutional change for Bulgaria’s post-socialist irrigation sector. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 23. Aachen: Shaker |
Hanisch, Markus (2003) | Property Reform and Social Conflict. a multi-level analysis of the change of agricultural property rights in post- socialist Bulgaria. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 15. Aachen: Shaker |
Rahausen, Elke V. (2003) | Die Comunidad im Wandel. Zur Situation und Integration
von Mapuche-Kleinbauern in der chilenischen Gesellschaft. Berichte aus der Agrarökonomie Aachen: Shaker |
Bogale, Ayalneh (2002) | Land Degradation, Impoverishment and Livelihood Strategies of Rural Households in Ethiopia: farmers' perceptions and policy implication. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 8. Aachen: Shaker |
Gatzweiler, Franz (2002) | The Changing Nature of Economic Value. indigenous forest garden values in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 16. Aachen: Shaker |
Lütteken, Antonia (2002) | Agrar-Umweltpolitik im Transformationsprozess - Das Beispiel Polen. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 14. Aachen: Shaker |
Rudolph, Markus (2002) | Agrarstrukturpolitik im vereinten Deutschland. Eine Analyse der Gemeinschaftsaufgabe “Verbesserung der Agrarstruktur und des Küstenschutzes” im Lichte der Neuen Politischen Ökonomie. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 20. Aachen: Shaker |
Schlüter, Achim (2001) | Institutioneller Wandel und Transformation. Restitution, Transformation und Privatisierung in der tschechischen Landwirtschaft. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 3. Aachen: Shaker |
Klages, Bernd (2000) | Die Privatisierung der ehemals volkseigenen landwirtschaftlichen Flächen in den neuen Bundesländern - Grundlagen, Rahmenbedingungen, Ausgestaltung und Wirkungen. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Vol. 5. Aachen: Shaker |
Kolloge, Sabine (1999) | Eine Wirkungsanalyse der Agenda 21 in Bezug auf eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und ländliche Entwicklung am Beispiel von Kommunen in England und Deutschland. Regensburg: Transfer |
Rommel, Kai (1998) | Kosten und Nutzen des Biosphärenreservates Schorfheide-Chorin. Eine empirische Analyse der mikroökonomischen Bestimmungsfaktoren einer naturerhaltenden Ökonomie. Regensburg: Transfer |