Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Ressourcenökonomie




Hier finden sie Neuigkeiten über unsere MitarbeiterInnen, Lehre und Forschung, Projekte, Initiativen, und andere Bereiche


  • Klaus Eisenack presented Urban Climate Action Games at the University of Cologne: Klaus Eisenack presented Urban Climate Action Games at the University of Cologne, with students from India, United States and Germany. The talk combined game theoretical analysis on climate change and cities with games in participatory exercises (e.g. with Keep Cool). 18th Winter Meeting at the University of Cologne, 17th and 18th of January 2025. 23/01/2025

  • New Publication - Von Dulong and Hagen: Von Dulong, Angelika and Achim Hagen. „Institutions make a difference: assessing the predictors of climate policy stringency using machine learning“. Environmental Research Letters 20, Nr. 1 (1. Januar 2025): 014056. 13/01/2025

  • Workshop on the climate game Keep Cool at TU Berlin: On 14 November 2024, our doctoral students Konrad and Lydia led a workshop on the climate game Keep Cool at TU Berlin. The event was part the Climate Science Days organised by the Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg (CCC). Fittingly to COP29which was taking place at the same time in Baku, Azerbaijan, the workshop brought climate research and negotiations to life for the players. The aim of the workshop was to use Keep Cool as a playground to impart knowledge about climate change and international climate negotiations through participatory games, thereby promoting affective learning. A lively discussion with the participants, who came from the field of sustainable urban development, an organiser for educational events for young people and adults, climate scientists from the Berlin-Brandenburg research landscape and game designers & enthusiasts, brought new ideas for the further development of the game to the table. 14/11/2024

  • Klima und Freiheit schützen – wie kann das gelingen? - Klaus Eisenack als Experte in Dialogveranstaltung: In einer interdisziplinären Dialogveranstaltung im Rahmen der "Kosmos-Lesungen" setzten das Deutsche Klima-Konsortium, die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung am 5. November 2024 das Thema Freiheit in den Kontext des Klimawandels. Dabei waren fünf Expertinnen und Experten aus unterschiedlichen gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, u.a. Herr Prof. Dr. Klaus Eisenack, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Perspektive Ökonomie). 06/11/2024

  • Lydia Finzel presented her current research at this year's ECPR General Conference in Dublin: From the 12–15th of August, our PhD student Lydia Finzel went to this year's ECPR General Conference at the University College Dublin. 13/09/2024

  • Paper on FAERE conference: At the annual conference of the French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (FAERE), Klaus Eisenack presented a joint paper with Basak Bayramoglu and Jean-Francois Jacques: "Cooperation of cities and national governments on climate change" 13/09/2024

  • New Publication - Eisenack: Eisenack, Klaus. „Why Local Governments Set Climate Targets: Effects of City Size and Political Costs“. Environmental and Resource Economics, 11. September 2024. 12/09/2024

  • New Publication - Eisenack: Michelle Bonatti, Marcos Lana, Leonardo Medina, Paul Chevelev, Carla Baldivieso, Carla Errismann, Pia Gleich, Tatiana Rodriguez, Luca Eufemia, Teresa da Silva Rosa, Juliano Borba, Custodio Matavel, Sandro Schlindwein, Ray Ison, Klaus Eisenack, Jon Hellin, Grazia Pacillo, Vincent Vadez, Jérôme Bossuet, Aleksandra Dolinska & Stefan Sieber: „Global Analysis of Social Learning’s Archetypes in Natural Resource Management: Understanding Pathways of Co-Creation of Knowledge“. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11, Nr. 1 (8. September 2024): 1161. 12/09/2024
  • New Publication – Eisenack: Partelow, Stefan, Sergio Villamayor Tomás, Klaus Eisenack, Graham B. Epstein, Elke Kellner, Matteo Roggero, and Maurice Tschopp. 2024. ‘A Meta-Analysis of SES Framework Case Studies: Identifying Dyad and Triad Archetypes’. People and Nature. 30/07/2024

  • New Publication – Orozco: Orozco, Richard, Marie Meyer-Jürshof, Karla Vergara-Rodríguez, Tomáš Václavík, and Diana Sietz. 2024. ‘Dynamic Archetypes of Agricultural Land Systems in Germany from 1992 to 2019’. Land Use Policy 145 (October):107281. 30/07/2024

  • First What Works Climate Solutions Summit at TU Berlin: From 9-12 June, two researchers from the Resource Economics Group took part in the What Works – Climate Solutions Summit at TU Berlin. The conference was the first of its kind focusing on synthesizing evidence for effective and just climate solutions. On the second day, Klaus Eisenack and Lydia Finzel presented some of the current research of the Resource Economics Group at the Urban Typologies session. 18/07/2024

  • 7th International Research Workshop on Archetype Analysis in Sustainability Workshop for the first time overseas: This year’s 7th International Research Workshop on Archetype Analysis in Sustainability Research was held the first time outside of Europe at the University of the District of Columbia (UDC) in Washington DC, United States. The hybrid event took place from June 16th-18th. The two-day workshop was facilitated by the College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences (CAUSES). Thematically, at this year’s workshop a strong focus was on archetypes in urban areas with two full sessions. The emerging field of artificial intelligence (AI) research was covered by a topical discussion group about testing archetype analysis with artificial data. The workshop closed on Tuesday with a fieldtrip to the urban farms of CAUSES in Washington DC. 18/07/2024

  • Four researchers of the Resource Economics Group went to this year’s Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop (WOW7) in Bloomington, Indiana: After five years, the Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop (WOW7) was again held at Indiana University in Bloomington (IN) in the United States. For around 50 years, the Ostrom Workshop has been advancing and reflecting upon governance and institutional research. This is why this year’s conference theme Commons, Polycentricity, & Democracy: Building upon 50 years of Ostrom Governance Research has set the focus on challenges of effective governance due to a more complex and transboundary world. Presentations from our research group:“Dynamic archetype analysis in sustainability research at the session Archetype analysis in environment and natural resource governance” by Klaus Eisenack and “A computational text analysis approach to investigating public discourse and participation in the case of the 2022 Arizona legislative study committee on housing at the session Applying institutional analysis to study power and systems behavior in polycentricity” by Eve Castille 18/07/2024

  • A Multitude of Voices Game Session at Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften June 22, 2024: The Resource Economics Group hosted an engaging and enjoyable session at the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften", featuring the game "A Multitude of Voices." Held at the Humboldt Forum, this game was developed as part of the Participatory Game Design study project within the Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) program. The game aims to raise awareness about the complexity of climate change-related issues and the necessity for interdisciplinary approaches. Participants, including experts, scientists, and students, found the session interactive and informative. The game involves balancing personal targets for each role within the city with collective strategies to protect the city against the risk of flash floods. It also highlighted the crucial role of democracy in addressing climate challenges, providing valuable insights and inspiration for further exploration of collaborative solutions. 01/07/2024

  • EAERE-Preis für Angelika von Dulong - Beste Dissertation 2024: Dr. Angelika von Dulong
    EAERE Award for Best Doctoral Dissertations in Environmental and Resource Economics


  • Rapid game design workshop on water and climate change in cities: The workshop was hosted by the Resource Economics Group to explore game design as a transdisciplinary integration method. Facilitated by Bruce Lankford, and organized by students, the 40 participants (experts from public administration and civil society, scientists and students) developed five board games on flash floods in urban areas. The workshop is part of the CliWaC project and a study project in Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM). 25/03/2024

  • Warming up for the IPCC special report on climate change and cities - February 2024: The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) was calling on its member governments and observer organizations to nominate experts who will draft the outline of the special report on climate change and cities. For warming up for the special report, Recource Economics Group co-organized a two day workshop on city typologies that brought together experts from all over the world in February 2024. 13/03/2024

  • Neues Buch - Klimawandel in Deutschland; beitragender Autor: Klaus Eisenack: Klaus Eisenack als beitragender Autor in: Brasseur, Guy P., Daniela Jacob, und Susanne Schuck-Zöller, Hrsg. Klimawandel in Deutschland: Entwicklung, Folgen, Risiken und Perspektiven. 2., Überarb. u. erw. Auflage 2023. Berlin: Springer Berlin, 2023. . 23/02/2024

  • EcoVisio aus Moldau, Kooperationspartner bei Projekten mit dem Klimaspiel Keep Cool, in der taz: Moldau gilt als das ärmste Land Europas. Trotzdem setzen sich hier immer mehr Menschen für den Klimaschutz ein. Auch weil das Land immer mehr den Klimawandel zu spüren bekommt. Ein Besuch in einem Ökodorf - TAZ vom 17. Januar 2024 17/01/2024
  • Die Zeit für fossile Kraftwerke läuft ab: Werden die Eigentümer zum Hindernis auf dem Weg zum Zwei-Grad-Klimaziel? Neue Studie analysiert, welche Kraftwerke vorzeitig abgeschaltet werden müssten und von welchen Eigentümern Widerstand gegen klimapolitische Maßnahmen zu erwarten ist. Siehe: Pressemitteilung. 03/01/2024

  • New Publication - Roggero, Fjornes, Eisenack (2023): Roggero, M., Fjornes, J., & Eisenack, K. (2023). Ambitious climate targets and emission reductions in cities: A configurational analysis. Climate Policy, 1–15. 03/01/2024
  • 6th Workshop on Archetype Analysis in Sustainability Research was largest so far (10.7.23): The 6th Workshop took place in Lund, Sweden, from June 7-9. More than 70 participants from about 30 countries presented the most recent methodological progress and current papers. Further publications were prepared in breakout sessions. 02/11/2023

  • New Publication - von Dulong, Angelika. 2023: Concentration of Asset Owners Exposed to Power Sector Stranded Assets May Trigger Climate Policy Resistance. Nature Communications 14 (1): 6442. . 17/10/2023
  • New Publication - von Dulong, Angelika, Alexander Gard-Murray, Achim Hagen, Niko Jaakkola, and Suphi Sen. 2023: Stranded Assets: Research Gaps and Implications for Climate Policy’. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 17 (1): 161–69. . 12/07/2023
  • Jesko Hirschfeld *im Interview mit der Zeit*: Hier geht viel mehr in Flammen auf: Prof. Dr. Jesko Hirschfeld - Gastprofessor in der Arbeitsgruppe Ressourcenökonomie - im Interview mit Marcus Rohwetter (Zeit 26/2023, 20/06/2023

  • Angelika von Dulong - Promotion abgeschlossen: Angelika von Dulong hat am 05.05.2023 ihre Doktorarbeit erfolgreich verteidigt. Das Thema der Dissertation lautet: „Modeling and empirically assessing climate policies and asset stranding: Patterns of policy-induced losses in the fossil fuel extraction, power, and financial sector”. 08/05/2023

  • New Publication - von Dulong, Angelika, Achim Hagen, Roman Mendelevitch, and Klaus Eisenack (2023): Buy Coal and Gas? Interfuel Carbon Leakage on Deposit Markets with Market Power. Energy Economics 117: 106434. . [open access]. 18/01/2023
  • New Publication - Gütte & Roggero: From a Challenge to an Opportunity: Sustainability and the “Dark Side” of Social Capital in Paros, Greece. 10/01/2023