Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture

Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture No. 4/14

Production Risk, Technology and Market Access in Different Organisational Forms: Evidence from Tatarstan and Oryol

Ekaterina Gataulina
All-Russian Institute of Agrarian Problems and Information Theory (VIAPI), Moscow, Russian Federation

Heinrich Hockmann
Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economics (IAMO), Halle (Saale), Germany

Anton Strokov
Eurasian Center for food Securities (ECFS), Moscow, Russian Federation


This paper examines price and technology differentials between agroholdings and independent farms in two Russian regions: Oryol and Tatarstan. Both organisational forms receive on average the same product prices which indicates that they have the same market access. Moreover, their technologies are also very similar, as estimated by a risk production frontier. However, differences in the factor input between organisational form lead to differences in the shadow prices of the inputs, resulting from the better access of agroholdings to the input markets. The results suggest that production risk, conditions on the product market and inefficiency significantly affect agricultural production. Thus, to improve the conditions, agricultural policy is required to tackle all the issues in parallel using a mix of appropriate policy measures.

Keywords: risk production function, Russia, agroholdings

JEL: Q110, D220, P230

Vol. 53 (2014), No. 4: 293-318