Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture No. 2/12
Geographical Indication for Jasmine Rice:
Applying a Logit Model to Predict Adoption Behavior of Thai Farm Households
Chuthaporn Ngokkuen and Ulrike Grote
Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany
Geographical indications (GIs) have gained increasing interest since their protection has been ensured multilaterally under the TRIPS Agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Thung Kula Rong-Hai Thai Hom Mali Rice (TKR) is the first officially registered GI Jasmine rice in Thailand. This paper aims at identifying factors that predict the behavior of Thai Jasmine rice farm households in adopting GI certification. Primary data of 370 Thai Jasmine rice farm households were collected through a formal survey in two districts of the Thung Kula Rong-Hai (TKRH) area. The results of the logistic regression analysis indicate that social and human capital variables significantly influence the decision of Thai Jasmine rice farm households to adopt GI certification.
Keywords: geographical indication, certification, logit model, Jasmine rice, Thailand
JEL: O13, O34, Q18
Vol. 51 (2012), No. 2: 157-185