Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Agrar- und Ernährungspolitik



Microeconomics using Excel

Kurt Jechlitschka, Dieter Kirschke,
Gerald Schwarz

Publisher : Routledge
Pages : 256
Publication Date : 2007
Binding : Paperback
List Price: £25.99
ISBN: 9780415417877
ISBN-10: 0415417872



About the Title


Market and policy analysis is central to microeconomics and there is a growing demand for education and training. Many national and international institutions require analytical capacities for policy impact analysis, strategic development and decision-making support. Students and analysts in this field need to have a sound understanding of the theoretical foundations of microeconomics and spreadsheet modelling.

Microeconomics using Excel ® will provide students tools with which to better understand microeconomic analysis. This new textbook focuses on solving microeconomic problems by integrating economic theory, policy analysis and spreadsheet modelling. This unique approach will facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the link between theory and problemsolving.

Microeconomics using Excel ® discusses both basic and advanced microeconomic problems and emphasises policy orientation. It is divided into four core parts:

  • Analysis of price policies
  • Analysis of structural policies
  • Multi-market models
  • Budget policy and priority setting.

The theory behind each problem is explained and each model is solved using Excel. In addition, there is online content available as an accompaniment to the book. Microeconomics using Excel ® will be of great interest to students studying economics as well as to professionals in economic and policy analysis.


Table of Contents



Part A: Analysis of Price Policies
  1. Supply, Demand and Price Policies
  2. Welfare and Distributional Effects
  3. Price Policy Instruments
  4. Iso-elastic Supply and Demand Functions
  5. Policy Formulation and Trade-offs
  6. External Effects
  7. Integrated Markets
  8. World Market and Third Country Effects

Part B: Analysis of Structural Policies
  9. Shifts of the Supply Curve
10. Implications of Structural Policies over Time
11. Optimal Structural Policies

Part C: Multi-Market Models
12. Interdependencies of Markets
13. Microeconomic Foundations
14. Formulation of a 4-Market Model
15. Model Framework for a 12-Market Model

Part D: Budget Policy and Priority Setting
16. Optimization Approach
17. Multiple Objectives
18. Parametric Analysis