01.02.2024: Workshop Sustainability, Technologies, and Digitalization - Critical Social Science Perspectives
February 1st, 2024, Technical University Munich, 12.00 - 15.00, Room 501/ Marsstr. 40
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Silke Beck (TUM); Dr. Sarah Hackfort (HU Berlin)
This workshop aims to foster discussion on how critical social science research can explore the emergence and deployment of digital and other technologies and unpack their social and political impacts and implications in the context of the grand sustainability challenges. The workshop will serve as a platform for scholars from diverse backgrounds to engage in meaningful interdisciplinary exchange and contribute to research on societal and sustainability transformation. Topics will focus (but not be limited to) technologies in sustainability transformations in agri-food and energy systems. We invite participants to present their current research and encourage critical discussion and feedback. We also aim to encourage participants to identify common interests and generate ideas for potential collaborative projects, such as publications or research proposals.
Online participation is possible via Zoom - please contact: Sarah Hackfort, sarah.hackfort@hu-berlin.de
Agenda: pdf