14.03.2024: Neue Publikationen von Sarah Hackfort on data in agriculture and precision technologies in the bioeconomy
Hackfort, S., Marquis, S., & Bronson, K. (2024): Harvesting value: Corporate strategies of data assetization in agriculture and their socio-ecological implications
Big data & Society 11(1)
In the paper, we examine corporate strategies for transforming agricultural data into value. Our results contribute to the critical food and data studies literature on agricultural big data by identifying three main strategies of assetization: securing relationships and dependence, price-setting and data sharing, and product development and targeted marketing.
Hackfort, S. (2024): Democratization through precision technologies? Unveiling power, participation, and property rights in the agricultural bioeconomy
Front. Polit. Sci., Sec. Politics of Technology
This perspective piece addresses the political dimension of sustainability in the agricultural bioeconomy by focusing on power, participation, and property rights around key technologies.