Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Agrar- und Ernährungspolitik

Prof. Dr. Peter H. Feindt


Prof. Dr. Peter H. Feindt


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Department für Agrarökonomie
Fachgebiet Agrar- und Ernährungspolitik
Philippstraße 13 - Haus 12, Raum 68 B
D-10115 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (0)30 2093 46322
Fax:  +49 (0)30 2093 46321

Leiter des Fachgebiets Agrar- und Ernährungspolitik

Recent key publications  |  Current research projects  |  Finished research projects  | 
Upcoming and recent presentations | Recent publications  |


Peter H. Feindt is Professor of Agricultural and Food Policy at the Thaer Institute for Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Previously, he was Professor of Strategic Communication at Wageningen University (2013-2017), Senior Lecturer/Reader for Environmental Policy and Planning at Cardiff University (2007-2013) and Senior Researcher at University of Hamburg (2000-2007). Holding a PhD in Political Science, he is also an experienced facilitator and mediator in public policy dialogues. His research addresses a broad range of questions in agricultural and food policy, in particular links to environmental policy, sustainability transitions and the resilience of farming systems.
Related interests include environmental and technology conflicts; public participation and conflict management; strategic communication, policy discourse and narratives; and inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration.
Peter is chair of the Scientific Advisory Council on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources at the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, member of the Scientific Advisory Board on Agricultural and Food Policy at the same Ministry, and member of the German Bioeconomy Council, and member of the board the German Alliance for Agricultural Research (DAFA), of which he is also a former co-chair. He is honorary editor of the Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning and has served as Head of Department of the Thaer Institute from October 2020 until January 2023.

Recent publications

see hier

Recent key publications

  • Meuwissen, M.P.M., Feindt, P.H., Slijper, T., Spiegel, A., Finger, R., de Mey, Y., Paas, W., Termeer, K.J.A.M., Poortvliet, P.M., Peneva, M., Urquhart, J., Vigani, M., Black, J.E., Nicholas-Davies, P., Maye, D., Appel, F., Heinrich F., Balmann, A., Bijttebier, J., Coopmans, I., Wauters, E., Mathijs, E., Hansson, H., Lagerkvist, C.J., Rommel J., Manevska-Tasevska G., Accatino, F., Pineau, C., Soriano, B., Bardaji I., Severini, S., Senni, S., Zinnanti C., Gavrilescu, C., Bruma, I.S., Dobay, K.M., Matei, D., Tanasa, L., Voicilas, D.M., Zawalińska, K., Gradziuk P., Krupin V., Martikainen, A., Herrera, H., and Reidsma, P. (2021). Impact of Covid-19 on farming systems in Europe through the lens of resilience thinking. Agricultural Systems, 191, 103152,
  • Peter H. Feindt, Maria Proestou and Katrin Daedlow (2020): Policy design for resilience in the emerging bioeconomy - the RPD framework and application to German bioenergy policy, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 21(5),
  • Peter H. Feindt, Sandra Schwindenhammer and Jale Tosun (2020): Politicization, depoliticization and policy change: A comparative theoretical perspective on agri-food policy, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, in production,
  • Peter H. Feindt, Christine Krämer, Andrea Früh-Müller, Alois Heißenhuber, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Kai P. Purnhagen, Fabian Thomas, Caroline van Bers, Volkmar Wolters (2019): Ein neuer Gesellschaftsvertrag für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft. Wege zu einer integrativen Politik für den Agrarsektor. SpringerOpen
  • Sina Leipold, Peter H. Feindt, Georg Winkel and Reiner Keller (2019): Discourse analysis of environmental policy revisited: Traditions, trends, perspectives. Introduction to the special issue, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 21(5), pp. 445-463,
  • Miranda Meuwissen, Peter H. Feindt, et al. (2019): A framework to assess the resilience of farming systems, Agricultural Systems 176,, available at
  • Cor van der Weele, Peter Feindt, Atze Jan van der Goot, Barbara van Mierlo, Martinus van Boekel (2019): Meat alternatives; an integrative comparison, Trends in Food Science & Technology,, available at
  • Peter H. Feindt / Sabine Weiland (2018): Reflexive Governance: Exploring the concept and assessing its critical potential for sustainable development. Introduction to the Special Issue, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 20, 6, 661-674, DOI: 10.1080/1523908X.2018.1532562.
  • Peter H. Feindt (2018): EU Agricultural Policy, in: Heinelt, Hubert/ Münch, Sybille (eds.): Handbook of European Policy: Formulation, Development and Evaluation. Handbooks of Research in Public Policy, series editor Frank Fischer, London: Edward Elgar, pp. 115-133. (ISBN 978 1 78471 935 7).
  • Carsten Daugbjerg, Peter H. Feindt (2017): Transforming Public Policies: Post-exceptionalism in Food and Agricultural Policy, Introduction to the Special Issue, Journal of European Public Policy, 24/11, 1-20, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2017.1334081.
  • Kai Purnhagen, Peter H. Feindt (2017): Principles-based Regulation: Blueprint for a “New Approach” for the Internal Agricultural Market, European Law Review 42, 722-736.
  • Ge, L., Anten, N.P.R., van Dixhoorn, I., Feindt, P.H., Kramer, K., Leemans, R., Meuwissen, M.P.M., Spoolder, H., Sukkel, W. (2016): Why we need resilience thinking to meet societal challenges in bio-based production systems, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 23:17-27, DOI: 10.1016/j.cosust.2016.11.009.
  • Andreas Duit / Peter H. Feindt / James Meadowcroft: Greening Leviathan: the rise of the environmental state? Environmental Politics, 25/1 (2016), 1-23. DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2015.1085218


Inaugural lecture

  • Inaugural lecture: Reflexive Agriculture and Food Policy. Analysis and Practice.
    5. Juli 2018, Senatssaal der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6

Current research projects

  • ENFASYS – Encouraging Farmers towards sustainable farming Systems through policy and business Strategies, funded by the European Union under Horizon Europe (Horizon-CL6-2021-FARM2FORK_01-08), EVILVO (Belgium) in cooperation with Conseil Europeen des jeunes agriculteurs (AISBL), Udruzenje Eko-Inovacija na Balkanu (ABE), GAIA (Greece), Groupe Sup de CO Montpellier (France), NOrsk Institut for Biookonomi (Norway), Universite Catholoque des Louvain (Belgium), Teagasc – Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Ireland), University di Bologna (Italy), Humboldt-Universität ZU Berlin (Germany) and Forschhungsinstitut für biologische Landbau FibL (Schweiz), September 2022 – August 2026, WP leader, overall financial volume: € 4,000,000, thereof HUB: € 280,750. 
  • FOODCLIC – Integrated Urban Food Policies – Developing Sectoral Connections, Spatial Linkages, Social Inclusion and Sustainability Co-Benefits to Transform Food Systems in City-Regions, funded by the European Union under Horizon Europe (HORIZON-CL6-2021-COMMUNITIES), Stichting Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in cooperation with Aarhus Universitet, Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona, Budapest Fovaros Onkormanyzata, Cardiff University, Cariplo Factory SRL, Comune di Capannori, Empresa Municipal de Ambiente de Cascais EM SA, ESSRG non-profit KFT, Ernährungsrat Berlin e.V., European Food Banks Federation, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca de la Sida-Caixa, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, ICLEI European Secretariat GMBH, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability e.V., Affiliated entity: ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability – Africa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa, Municipiul Braşov, Stichting Voedsel Verbindt, Universita di Pisa, Universitatea Transilvania din Braşov, Aarhus Kommune, Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, Association mondiale des grandes métropoles, September 2022 – February 2028, WP leader, overall financial volume: € 11,861,832,04, thereof HUB: € 611.062.50.
  • CliWaC – Einstein Research Unit Climate and Water under Change: Emerging challenges and strategies for coordinated action in the model region Berlin-Brandenburg, funded by the Berlin University Alliance and the Einstein Foundation Berlin with means from the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and Länder governments, January 2022-December 2024, Co-PI and WP leader, overall financial volume: ca. € 6 Mio., WP volume: ca. € 242.000.
  • AnthropoScenes. Making Sustainable Futures Public, funded by the Berlin University Alliance with funds from the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and Länder governments, Co-PI and WP leader. Spring 2021 – autumn 2023, overall financial volume: € 329,050, WP budget ca. € 50.000.
  • IFST – Social cohesion, food and health: Inclusive food system transitions, supported by the Berlin University Alliance with funds from the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and Länder governments, PI and coordinator, January 2021 – October 2023.  
  • PolDeRBio – Policy Designs for Resilient Bioeconomies: Assessment Tool and International Evaluation, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the programme “Bioeconomy as societal change”, August 2019 – Februar 2023, PI.
  • GreenGrass – Innovation in utilizing the diversity of managed grasslands for a sustainable intensification of agriculture at landscape level, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the programme „Agricultural systems of the future“, Göttingen University in collaboration with Technical University Cottbus, Humboldt University of Berlin, Justus-Liebig University Gießen and University Hohenheim, March 2019 – February 2024, WP leader.
  • CUBES Circle: Future Food Production, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education, Humboldt University of Berlin and project partners, March 2019 – February 2024, WP leader, website:


Finished research projects at HU Berlin

  • Susvalue-Trust: Sustainability-based value chains as part of the „Green Deal“: Strategies for trust building and transparency, funded by the Edmund-Rehwinkel-Stiftung under their annual call 2020, July 2020 – February 2021, PI.
  • Inclusive Food System Transformations. Understanding and addressing food disparities in a connected world, funded under the pre-call “Social Cohesion” by the Berlin University Alliance under the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and Länder governments, PIs: Peter H. Feindt (HU Berlin, coordinator), Martina Schäfer (TU Berlin), Klaus Jacob (FU Berlin), Susanne Huyskens-Keil (HU Berlin), Carsten Dreher (FU Berlin), November 2019 – April 2020.
  • WuP-GAP: Improving the efficiency and practicability of the CAP from an environmental perspective through surveys and expert interviews, German Federal Environment Agency, November 2018-September 2020, in cooperation with mareg Projektbüro Markt & Region, PI.
  • ZA-NExUS_2: Sustainable Agriculture – Protecting Nature, Securing the Environment, Follow-Up Study, German Federal Agency for Nature Protection, Humboldt University at Berlin in cooperation with Justus-Liebig University Gießen, University of Osnabrück, Wageningen University and mareg Projektbüro Markt & Region, December 2017 – February 2020, PI and project coordinator.
  • SURE-Farm: Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems, funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 (SFS-31-2016), Wageningen University in cooperation with Aberystwyth University (Aber), Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zürich), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (UGOE), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Università degli Studi della Tuscia (UNITUS), Universitetet i Bergen (UiB), University of Gloucestershire (UoG), University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Bulgaria, Instituut Voor Landbouw En Visserijonderzoek (ILVO), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Institute of Agricultural Economics (IEA-AR) Romania and Instytut Rozwoju Wsi I Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk (IRWiR PAN) Poland. WP 4 co-leader and member of core writing team, June 2017-May 2021. Website:
  • Trust, Resilience and Collective Action (TReCA) in Bio-based Production Systems, PI, funded under the Wageningen University investment theme Resilience, September 2017 – October 2018.
