Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences


News from 2021 



Foto Max Knoll

At its general meeting on November 30th 2021 the

International Society of Livestock Husbandry (IGN)

announced this year's winners of the

IGN Research Award for animal welfare.


One of the winners is our employee and doctoral student

Maximilian Knoll

continue reading...

Photo: Maximilian Knoll



Lorenz Gygax mit Urkunde
PD Dr. Lorenz Gygax

has successfully completet the procedure of

Federation of European National Statistical Societies

go through and is

European Accredited Statistician.


→ more about accreditation



Photo / source: Lorenz Gygax



Cover: Deutsches Tierärzteblatt
Article in the magazine „Deutsches Tierärzteblatt”

with the participation of Marlen Bielicke and Christel Simantke

What about animal welfare in agriculture ?: The „National Animal Welfare- Monitoring” project creates the basis for data collection

So far there has been no objective and comprehensive reporting on the animal welfare of animals used for agriculture. The aim of the "National Animal Welfare Monitoring" project presented here is to propose indicators that enable statements to be made about the status quo of animal welfare during keeping, transport and slaughter...     → continue reading this article

Image source:



Titelbild: Schafzucht

Artikel in the magazine „Schafzucht”

with the participation of Edna Hillmann and Lorenz Gygax

Carefully integrate new goats into the herd

Goats are sensitive to changes in herd composition. Both the separation from the herd and the incorporation of new animals are associated with stress for the affected goats. A study on this that was carried out a few years ago was recently published by the International Sheep and Goat Congress presented.....

→ continue reading this article


Image source:


Titelbild: Deutschlandfunk Nova
Short interview with...
Prof. Edna Hillmann on the subject of „animal listeners“ in

Deutschlandfunk Nova
► listen in (from 30:00 minute)   


Drohne über Kuh auf Koppel
New article in the DLG Mitteilungen

concerns the measurement of growth rates on grassland areas

by Leonie Hart and Esther Paulenz

The feed ration can be calculated down to the smallest detail because we know the exact amount and ingredients of many preserved components. But what about the fresh feed on our grassland areas? Digital recording of the growth on mowing and pasture areas is not yet in widespread practice arrived...”      → continue reading this article




Logo GFE

PD Dr. Annette Simon is a board member of Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie.

Its overarching goal is to provide a discussion forum where scientists can discuss problems with one another and look for solutions together.

Image source:

Titelseite: Animal Nutrition

PD Dr. Annette Simon is Associate Editor of the journal Archives of Animal Nutrition (published by Taylor & Francis, UK).

This journal is an international journal covering the biochemical and physiological basis of animal nutrition.

Emphasis is laid on original papers on protein and amino acid metabolism, energy transformation, mineral metabolism, vitamin metabolism, nutritional effects on intestinal and body functions in combination with performance criteria, respectively. It furthermore deals with recent developments in practical animal feeding, feedstuff theory, mode of action of feed additives, feedstuff preservation and feedstuff processing. The spectrum covers all relevant animal species including food producing and companion animals, but not aquatic species.




Logo: Animal Behavior Cognition

PD Dr. Lorenz Gygax has joined the editorial board of the journal Animal Behavior and Cognition.

This journal deals with all aspects of animal behavior and is purely open access.


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