Dr. Matteo Roggero
Research Interests |
Contact |
Room: 1.20 matteo.roggero(at)hu-berlin.de |
Academic Career
Since 2016 |
PostDoc |
2015-2016 |
PostDoc |
2012-2015 |
PostDoc |
2011-2012 |
PostDoc |
2007-2011 | PhD Environment Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
2007-2010 | Marie-Curie Early Stage Researcher Helmholtz-Zentrum for Environmental Research UFZ – Leipzig |
2004-2005 | MSc in Environment and Resource Management Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
1998-2004 | Diploma in Business Administration Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy |
Selected Publications
Roggero, Matteo, Anastasiia Gotgelf and Klaus Eisenack (2023) “Co-Benefits as a Rationale and Co-Benefits as a Factor for Urban Climate Action: Linking Air Quality and Emission Reductions in Moscow, Paris, and Montreal.” Climatic Change 176, no. 12 (2023): 179. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-023-03662-6.
Roggero, M., Fjornes, J., & Eisenack, K. (2023). Ambitious climate targets and emission reductions in cities: A configurational analysis. Climate Policy, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/14693062.2023.2282488
Gütte, A. M., & Roggero, M. (2022). From a Challenge to an Opportunity: Sustainability and the “Dark Side” of Social Capital in Paros, Greece. International Journal of the Commons, 16(1), 310–326. https://doi.org/10.5334/ijc.1140
Piemontese, L., Neudert, R., Oberlack, C., Pedde, S., Roggero, M., Buchadas, A., Martin, D. A., Orozco, R., Pellowe, K., Segnon, A. C., Zarbá, L., & Sietz, D. (2022). Validity and validation in archetype analysis: Practical assessment framework and guidelines. Environmental Research Letters, 17(2), 025010. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac4f12
Soliman, Ahmed, Thiel, Andreas and Matteo Roggero (2021). Institutional Performance of Collective Irrigation Systems: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis in the Nile Delta of Egypt. Sustainability 13 (3). pp. 1–31. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031103
Sergio Villamayor-Tomas, Christoph Oberlack, Graham Epstein, Stefan Partelow, Matteo Roggero, Elke Kellner, Maurice Tschopp and Michael Cox (2020) Using case study data to understand SES interactions: a model-centered meta-analysis of SES framework applications. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 44:48–57.
Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio, Irene Iniesta-Arandia and Matteo Roggero. 2020. “Are generic and specific adaptation institutions always relevant? An archetype analysis of drought adaptation in Spanish irrigation systems.” In Ecology and Society 25(1):32. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-11329-250132
Sietz, Diana, Frey, Ulrich, Roggero, Matteo, Gong, Yanqing, Magliocca, Nicholas, Tan, Rong, Janssen, Peter, and Václavík, Tomáš. 2019. “Archetype analysis in sustainability research: methodological portfolio and analytical frontiers.” In Ecology and Society 24(3):34. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-11103-240334.
Roggero, Matteo. 2019. “Social Dilemmas, Policy Instruments, and Climate Adaptation Measures: The Case of Green Roofs.” Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11027-019-09883-4.
Roggero, Matteo, Leonhard Kähler and Achim Hagen. (2019). Strategic cooperation for transnational adaptation: lessons from the economics of climate change mitigation. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 19 (4–5), pp 395–410 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10784-019-09442-x.
Bisaro, A., Roggero, M., Villamayor-Tomas, S. (2018). Institutional Analysis in Climate Change Adaptation Research: A Systematic Literature Review. Ecological Economics 151, pp. 34-43.
Roggero, M., Villamayor-Tomas, S., Oberlack, Ch., Eisenack, K., Bisaro, A., Hinkel, J. and A. Thiel (2018). Introduction to the special issue on adapting institutions to climate change. Journal of Institutional Economics: Pp. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1744137417000649
Roggero, M. and A. Thiel (2017). Adapting as usual: integrative and segregative institutions shaping adaptation to climate change in local public administrations. Journal of Institutional Economics, published online 30 August 2017, pp. 1-22.
Roggero, M. (2015). Adapting institutions: exploring climate adaptation through institutional economics and set relations, Ecological Economics, DOI 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.07.022
Roggero, M. (2013). Shifting troubles: Decision-Making versus Implementation in Participatory Watershed Governance, Environmental Policy and Governance, DOI 10.1002/eet.1603
Zikos, D. and Roggero, M. (2012). The Patronage of Thirst: Exploring Institutional Fit on a Divided Cyprus, Ecology and Society, DOI 10.5751/ES-05442-180225
Roggero, M. and Fritsch, O. (2010). Mind the Costs: Rescaling and Multi-Level Environmental Governance in Venice Lagoon, Environmental Management, DOI 10.1007/s00267-010-9449-7
Complete CV including publication list (pdf)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
WiSe 2019-2020: Advanced Environmental and Resource Economics (master)
SoSe 2019: Studienprojekt (master): Applied social research for socio-ecological resilience: solidarity economy and climate adaptation in the Cyclades
WiSe 2018-2019: Archetypes Summer School (graduate)
SoSe 2018: WINS-Seminar: Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological-Technical Systems (SETS) (graduate)
WiSe 2016-2017: Brückenmodul Problemorientiertes Arbeiten (bachelor)
WiSe 2016-2017: Theory, Analysis and Empirical Study of Institutions and Organizations-PhD Module 2016 (graduate)
Set-Theoretical Methods and QCA, IMRD-Module "Advanced empirical methodology" 2013
- Transaction Costs Economics and Institutions, PhD Colloquium 2013
- Introduction to QCA, PhD Colloquium 2012