Summer School - Archetype Analysis in Sustainability Research
8-12 October, 2018
Resource Economics Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hannoversche Straße 27, 10115 Berlin
Interdisciplinary sustainability research, e.g., on land-use or adaptation to climate change, is increasingly confronted with the difficulties of embracing complexity while building and testing theories that synthesize such complexity into actionable theories. Comparative case studies are frequently employed for this task. However, rigorous comparative approaches are yet frequently hampered by (i) a high heterogeneity of cases that limit generalization, and (ii) multiple epistemic perspectives (e.g. from institutional economics, geography or modelling) that are not easily integrated. In recent years, archetype analysis has been evolving as an approach to deal with this twofold challenge.
The summer school provides a cutting-edge introduction to archetype analysis by internationally leading experts. The approach will be trained by hands-on applications, accompanied by an introduction to and training of suitable analytical methods (Qualitative Comparative Analysis or Cluster Analysis), and further developed.
- Fundamentals of archetype analysis
- Study protocols for archetype analysis
- Introduction to an example topic and data
- In two parallel streams: introduction to & training of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) or Cluster Analysis
- Practicing archetype analysis in working groups
- Presentation of results
- Reflection on further advancing the approach
- Individual report with research design for an archetype analysis.
Teaching Methods:
Individual training and collaborative project: 15% lectures, 30% trainings, 25% group work, 30% seminars; grading (if required, 3 CP, category E): group presentation (50%), individual report (50%).
- Klaus Eisenack (Resource Economics Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin),
- Markus Hanisch (Economics of Agricultural Cooperatives, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin),
- Zuzana Harmáčková (Stockholm Resilience Center),
- Ulan Kasymov (Resource Economics Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin),
- Christoph Oberlack (Centre for Development and Environment and Institute of Geography, University of Bern),
- Matteo Roggero (Resource Economics Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin),
- Diana Sietz (Potsdam-Institute for Climate Impact Research and Wageningen University, The Netherlands),
- Tomáš Václavík (Ecology & Environmental Sciences, Palacký University Olomouc),
- Sergio Villamayor-Tomas (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona).
Programme (download): will follow soon
ECTS: tba.
Application - Deadline: 29 June, 2018
We offer up to 20 places. If there are too many qualified applicants, a selection will be made.
Requirements: The summer school is primarily offered to scientists on a PhD and postdoc level. In addition, senior level researchers interested in broadening their skills in archetype analysis are welcome. In exceptional cases, also master students can participate. Teaching language is English. The summer school is not limited to any specific research background; however, the following is expected: (i) Experience in at least one scientific method (qualitative or quantitative). (ii) Basic knowledge of analytical software, e.g. R. (iii) Motivation to read literature for preparation. (iv) Interest in topics of sustainability, the environment and natural resources.
Application: Your application shall contain the following information:
- Name, Affiliation, Status
- Supervisor(s) (if applicable)
- Motivation (max 300 words)
- Methodological skills so far (keywords)
- Preference for method training: QCA or Cluster Analysis
Please send your application and inquiries to Further information will be posted on
Ulan Kasymov, Resource Economics Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phone: +49 (030) 2093-6225
Prof. Dr. Klaus Eisenack, Head of Resource Economics Group, Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences; Member of IRI THESys
Phone: +49 (030) 2093-46363