Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Megacity 2

Climate and Energy in a Complex Transition Process Towards Sustainable Hyderabad. Mitigation and adaptation strategies by changing institutions, governance structures, life styles and consumption patterns

Start: 07/2008
End: 06/2013

The “Megacity 2” is the Follow-up Project of “Megacity 1” with a stronger focus on climate change and energy efficiency. It deals with the urgent global challenges in the field of climate change and resource depletion which require diverse and tailored approaches to tackle them. The project addresses these challenges in the context of so-called megacities with their complex social and economic problems and action situations by taking the Indian city of Hyderabad as an example. To this end, a consortium of Indian and German Research Institutes, partners from the public and private sectors as well as NGOs has been formed. Lead partner and project coordinator is the Division of Resource Economics at Humboldt University of Berlin. The project is funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) in the framework of the programme “Research for Sustainable Development of the Megacities of tomorrow”. The aim of the project, which has been defined in close cooperation with the Indian government, is to develop a “Perspective Action Plan” that will establish Hyderabad as a Low Emission City in Asia in 30 years time. These research and implementation activities are closely connected with an integrated training programme for PhD students and postdocs which is co-financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).     

Researchers: Dr. Ramesh Chennamaneni, Dr. Dimitrios Zikos, Dr. Christine Werthmann, Christian Kimmich M.Sc., Jens Rommel M.Sc., Dr. Raveesha Siddaiah, Dr. Seema Singh, Brijesh Bhatt M.Tech., Bhuvanachihtra Chidambaram M.Sc., Ruhi Gandhi MBA, Ranjan Kumar Ghosh M.Sc., Atoho Jakhalu M.Phil., Phungmayo Horam MBA, Keerthi Kiran M.Sc., Dr. Srinivasa Reddy Srigiri, Raghu Chaliganti M.Sc.

Project Partners:


Lead Overall Project: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn

Funding: BMBF (German Ministry of Research and Higher Education)

Project Website:
Hyderabad Megacity Project

Publications and Presentations:



See Website