Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics


Development of an Integrated Approach to Land Management for Sustainable Use of Water and Matter in North-Eastern Germany, Sub-project 9 “Property Rights and Transactions”

Start: 01/2011
End: 12/2015

The sub-project 9 aims at (a) understanding the institutional, behavioural, and action-oriented effects and consequences of potential reuse of waste water after sewage treatment for agricultural production, and (b) formulating guidance for potential users, e.g. farmers, and other actors involved. In particular, the sub-project intends to clarify in how far potential innovations in reusing water and matter from after sewage treatment and fertilizer extraction from sewage sludge induce a change (extension or restriction) in the existing system of institutions (formal and informal rules) and governance structures (organisation of implementation of rules) in current property rights arrangements of potential users and other actors involved. Changes in the institutional arrangements can be ex-ante regulations (e.g., benchmark assessment) and/or ex-post regulations (e.g., liability rules). These potential changes may affect institutional and organisational change in politics, administration, economy, and civil society. The study area covers the regional area Uckermark – Barnim – Berlin which is located north-east of Berlin. It is also planned to study the effects of potential institutional change (a) on regional soil- and water markets, and (b) in value chains for products of regional farmers, cooperatives, companies and associations in this area. This includes estimating the effects of price changes in soil- and water markets on gross-margin or full-costs accounting. In summary, the sub-project wants to assess the effects and consequences to be expected from innovations in water- and matter reuse from sewage treatment if introduced into current practice in a broad context.

Researcher: Dr. Katrin Daedlow

Project Partners:

Lead Overall Project: Prof. Dr. Gunnar Lischeid (ZALF)

Lead HU Sub-project: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn

Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Project Website: Entwicklung eines integrierten Landmanagements durch nachhaltige Wasser- und Stoffnutzung in Nordostdeutschland